Sustainability is defined as the process of not being harmful to the environment by keeping it safe for the present and for the future generations.
Climate change is a worrying thing. Atmospheric CO2 levels are not falling and politicians meet a lot of difficulties in finding concrete solutions to improve the situation. Global warming is the result of the lack of precaution of all of us and the figures are alarming. According to a study made by the COP 21, the temperature of the earth will soon become 5.8 degrees higher at the end of the century; in the near future, around a hundred million people will see 3 feet of sea level rise and the amount of carbon dioxide in 1800 was 31% less than the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today. 1. Problem definition Not everyone is fully involved or cares about fundamental questions about the evolution of our environment and many studies have shown that we will be in a critical situation in a few years if we do not make serious efforts towards the preservation of the environment. That is why building sustainability into contracts can make people change their habits thanks to the rules that the contractors will set. Therefore, people will be more aware of the matters that occur today and hopefully care more about environmental issues in the future. Many research studies on how to improve sustainability thanks to contracts and integrate sustainability into those have been conducted and this is what we are going to observe through our analysis. Finally, the aim of this paper is to analyze how the sustainability, with the comparison of different organization standards such as CSI, AIA, FIDIC, and EJCDC is included in the contracts. Considering this, we will be able to answer the question: - Which sustainability clauses in the AIA, CSI, FIDIC, EJCDC support the most sustainability? METHODOLOGY In the analysis of this paper, we will use two techniques: one noncompensatory MADM methods which is the dominance method and one compensatory MADM method which is the Additive Weighting technique. Those two methods are very helpful as it will be very easy to compare which method is the best. As said before, we planned to compare the sustainability methods in different standard forms such as CSI, AIA, EJCDC, and FIDIC. By using these techniques, we could easily find out a better or the best term in their statement, and clearly, know what best method supports sustainability. 2. Development of the feasible Alternatives: From this, it will be possible to define alternatives about the management of sustainability into contracts: - CSI clauses regarding sustainability - AIA clauses regarding sustainability - FIDIC clauses regarding sustainability - EJCDC clauses regarding sustainability 3. Development of the outcomes and cash flows for each alternative: The first alternative, CSI clauses regarding sustainability will show us what clauses regarding sustainability are defined. In CSI, there is a clause dedicated to the sustainability requirements (4.3.3) which states that: “Depletion of natural resources, deteriorating environmental conditions in formerly pristine parts of the world, rising human …show more content…
In order to evaluate each of the alternatives, we will use the Multi-Attribute Decision Making
(MADM) process by using the DOMINANCE method. This method is one of the noncompensatory approach methods proposed by the Multi-attribute decision making (MADM) tool. It is using
PairWise comparison to weight all alternatives equally.
We already see in the matrix below that the EJDC is the worst solution and on the contrary that CSI is the best solution thanks to the Dominance Method.
In this table, the author compared the performance of all the documents for each criteria using the Dominance method. And we can obviously see that the document CSI dominates the most for each criterion.
Thanks to this matrix, we can see that the CSI is the most relevant document regarding the management of sustainability into