This life-learning, and experiencing "real-life" is best illustrated by Source E, where it is said that children of this age don't know what symphonies sound like, or what life lies right in front of their noses. This could simply be that educators are not giving them opportunities to experience this, however, another, a more prominent reason could be that the rising generation is showing increasing amounts of attention deficiency, which has almost unperceptively graduated into a hindrance in the children being taught. The way that information is being taught is changing, not only changing the information that is taught, but also the children who are taught it. Technology pushes these young people to always need something new, as they can view information faster than they can process it. This can also be seen in Source F, with a young child finding more interest in the pictures on a screen when he could view the real thing right outside of his window. Why might this be the plague of today's society and more importantly schools? Because children are moving themselves from the outside world into a purely electronic one. Not only does technology in school remove children from real life experience, but it also removes them from real life emotions and people. In a study shown by ABC Australia, the constant use of technology causes feelings of isolation and loneliness. This is mainly linked to the use of social media, but with the increasing amount of technology being introduced to schools, from the introduction of one-to-one devices to online school, it won't be long until educational technology causes these feelings of loneliness that can eventually lead to forms of depression, anxiety, and other disorders. While many may argue that the simple use of technology will not cause such vast effects, it can clearly be shown through my own experience that …show more content…
While it has been argued for many years about whether pencil and paper notes or online notes are more effective in retaining information. While online notes make notes more organized and allow more information to be written due to the speed of typing, it has been proven that note-taking by hand proves to be far better in information retention and mastery of the subject. In a study at Princeton University, Professors Mueller and Oppenheimer came to the conclusion that with notes by hand, students are forced to paraphrase and come up with conclusions on their own sometimes, while with online notes there is a trend of students who simply try to take down the lecture word for word. While in Source D it may be said that writing is simply too tedious now in society and education, it must be shown that the analog way of doing things has proven, both in the past and present, that it has helped the human race learn and retain information to the point of mastery far better than the technological