It is a distortion of how a person thinks, acts, relates with others and how they see reality. Symptoms for schizophrenia “will usually appear between the ages 13 and 25, but often appear earlier in males than females” (MHA). There’s two types of symptoms for schizophrenia which are positive and negative symptoms (Feldman 475). Positive symptoms are the “psychotic behaviors not seen in healthy people [and] … often “lose touch” with reality” (NIMH), and negative symptoms “are capabilities that are “lost” from the person’s personality” (MHA). The positive symptoms are hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder (NIMH). Hallucinations can either be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences (Hollister). Auditory and visual are the most common hallucinations for schizophrenia. Negative symptoms includes “the flat affect”, social withdrawal, extreme apathy, and lack of drive (MHA). The “flat affect” is “a blank, blunted facial expression or less lively facial movements, flat voice (lack of normal intonations and variance) or physical movements” (Hollister). …show more content…
The mental disease is incurable and only “affects about 1% of the world population”