Literature Review
According to the book, Essentials of Abnormal Psychology (2014), schizophrenia is when people deteriorate into an isolated wilderness of unusual perceptions, odd thoughts, disturbed emotions, and motor abnormalities. Sufferers experience a lack of contact with reality, known as psychosis. Schizophrenia is diagnosed after symptoms of psychosis have lasted for six months or more, and there has been clear deterioration in the person’s self-care, social life, and work performance (Comer, 2014, p. 364). Also, according to a journal article (2016), “The mean cognitive underperformance during adolescence and at the onset of psychotic symptoms differentiates schizophrenia from the other major …show more content…
1 in 100 people are affected by schizophrenia. It is more common in people who are of low level economic standing than those who are not. However, neither gender is more likely to have the illness because the likelihood is equal, but men usually begin experiencing onset at 23 years old while women have until 28.
The symptoms associated with schizophrenia are broken down into three categories: positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and psychomotor symptoms. Individuals with this disorder will most likely experience a combination of these types of