Today we are launching a campaign called StudentsForInvolvement. I am reaching out to you students because we need your help. We want to end student inactivity, and to do this, we need all students involved. This campaign is the first of it's kind at Sheyenne High. We want to try and mobilize as many students and staff member as possible to advocates for change. And, we don’t just want to talk about it. We want to try and make sure it is tangible.
Merely three months ago, I was voted president of SHS class of 2018. And, the more I spoke with students, the more I realized that students lack school enthusiasm which has …show more content…
If we stop defining other students by "popular" or "nerdy" and start defining ourselves by who we are together, Sheyenne High School, we can all be more comfortable and have a more beneficial learning environment. This is what StudentsForInvolvement is all about. It is about that, creating a healthy and cohesive environment for all to learn.
I want students to take up this issue so that their teachers, principals, and superintendents can see the importance in creating an involved high school, but also so that they can see the benefits for the student often brushed aside, to bring them back onto the grid so they feel as if they belong, and in doing so, be a more safer and more ramified place to learn.
Most of you might be thinking, "Who is this girl, and what is she doing evaluating how a school is ran?" And, that’s a very justifiable question. I have been thinking that same thing …show more content…
We a biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, and to be loved, and to belong."
In my apprehensions for my campaign becoming public like this, I told myself "If not me, who? If not now, when?" If you are ever in a similar situation, I hope those words will be helpful. Because in all reality, if we the students do not speak up for our peers, we can expect no change. 12 students will commit suicide everyday, an upwards and increasing number of 575,000 attempts at suicide per year by students who feel as if they don’t belong.
If you believe in student involvement, you may be one of the involvement ambassadors that I spoke of earlier, and for these reasons, I thank you. Students are struggling for a united place of education, but the good news is, we have united group of students and staff who advocate for this ideal. I invite you to step forward, to be seen and to ask yourself, "If not me, who? If not now,