The college years are a time of important growth and change for students because they gain new ideas and experiences that could change what they already know and believe. No doubt, significant changes occur during the college years. Rodgers (1990c), defined student development as “the ways that a student grows, progresses, or increases his or her developmental capabilities as a result of enrollment in an institution of higher education” (p. 27; as cited in Evans, Forney, Guido, Patton, Renn, 2010, p. 6). Student development occurs “when students are faced with new challenges in their lives, a response or way to cope with the situation must emerge” (Sanford, 1966; as cited in Gardner, 2009, p. 15). Many theorists classify development into three categories: social identity, psychosocial and cognitive-structural development. Cognitive-structural theories “examine how people think and make meaning out of their experiences” (Evans, 2011,p. 175). Psychosocial development…
Orientation of New Students: ETSU understands the importance and usefulness of orientation as they make sure that new students’ orientation precedes start of classes in the school. This is used to properly welcome new students as they learn more about the school’s academics, values, support programs, and other resources. The students are new to the school and eager to take every information needed to make them successful in the school which includes the dos and don’ts. Tristan Rettke is a…
In order to support and monitor the University of New Mexico’s advising infrastructure, the Office of University Advisement has implemented a process for sustaining and evaluating the continuous improvement of the efficacy of advising outreach on student retention, advising notes and advising services. The process is designed to provide administrators with feedback on the performance of academic advising units throughout the university. It includes providing academic advising units with annual…
discipline, hard work, and sacrifice that comes with being a student-athlete. A person needs to have a passion for the sport they wish to play because if not, they will have a miserable time. The life of a student-athlete is much more difficult than that of a normal student. Life as a student-athlete is not what it seems. The athlete feels as if there is not enough time in the day to complete all the tasks required of them. Student-athletes spend seven and a half hours in school just like…
thing let out of this idyllic picture; the crowds of aspiring students who simply cannot…
been research about the individual experiences of college undergraduate students. The quality of these experiences typically depend on the student’s involvement in on-campus activities. From involvement, students gain leadership, career skills, friends. An obvious mediator of a college student 's well-being and overall experience, is stress. The current study revealed a strong link between levels of stress, LOC, and a student’s overall well-being. Higher levels of internal LOC and lower levels…
necessity for all society. When student go to University, they will develop their knowledge very well and they will know what’s good and bad for their life. They will also achieve their dreams. Most of the time young student does not have the motivation to go to University because teenager can easily distract by a lot of things like by their lover, movie etc. Therefore, most students believe that University should be optional. However, I believe that University student should be required to…
Tracking is segregating students into different classrooms based upon their academic ability (Houghton, V) At first glance this may seem like a good idea and beneficial to the education of all students. Why not put students where they can be challenged at a pace they can handle while allowing gifted students to take the ball and run? After all, doesn’t the law of the land say that everyone deserves a free education. If gifted students are not being challenged, are they really being…
award incentives to students to encourage participation. However, some parents believe that this would send a morally wrong message to students. Parents believe that if it was not for the award that was being offered, the students would not participate. Even though incentives could encourage more participation in donation events, students should not be given incentives for serving a selfless act because it encourages students to only participate in donation services when there are rewards…
The first strategy that I employ to gain student success is building relationships. For me, this started on the first day. I passed out interest inventories that ask questions about who they live with, what sports they are in, if they have a job, and what they dream of their futures being. I then took the time to read each one of these. They took the time to write down personal things and so I take the time to read it—taking it beyond the typical “filler” first-day activity. If someone joked off…