Christof said whilst talking to Sylvia, a woman Truman has a crush on, “He could leave at any time. If his was more than just a vague ambition, if he was absolutely determined to discover the truth, there's no way we could prevent him.” Truman over the course …show more content…
Since Sea Haven is an island with only a couple ways of getting of the city itself, imposing this fear on Truman creates yet another barrier that Christof thinks Truman will never penetrate.
To Christof Sea Haven is considered a place of pure perfection, but this utopia of his could be considered stimulated reality. The fact that everyone in Sea Haven is a hired actor, Truman’s reaction to certain events that the actors may force upon him is real. Therefore, "The Truman Show" blurs the lines between reality and a life that is fake, which, according to its creator Christof, is why the show is so compelling.
Another great example is the way that Truman starts to rebel against the show as the film gets closer to ending. As Truman starts to realize that everything may not be as it seems, he starts acting more and more ambitious about some of the actions that he takes.
One example is when he tries to leave Sea Haven by car. As him and as wife Meryl try and leave the town many obstacle come into his way seemingly out of now where. When he loops around however, the traffic is gone and he manages to cross the bridge that leaves Sea Haven only to run into yet another