Terese Analysis
Terese sleep cycle is not in routine, its everywhere. Terese notices that she was not getting enough sleep but she was getting enough. Terese noticed that you do not sleep much on the weekdays, but you do on the weekends. 8.4 hours was Terese sleep average over the 5 nights. The total of hours is forty-two. Terese really does not have a bed time, but she tries to go to bed around 10:00-10:30. It never happens, right? She tries to get up around 7 and 8 but she keeps hitting the snooze button. Terese tries to do some school work, make sure her stuff is ready for school or her daily activities the following day, and take care of Cali her kitten. This is normal for Terese except that Cali was added recently. Terese mood is different …show more content…
The book said that teenagers and young adults need less sleep than children, but they still require 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night (Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. 2013). Terese average was on one night is about 7 hours. College student sleep 6.1 hours (Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. 2013). According to the book Terese pretty much stay at Stage I and II sleep. Stage I sleep is a light sleep and stage II sleep is characterized by sleep spindles and lasts approximately 20 minutes (Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. 2013). Lack of sleep can be dangers because you can be very mood and say things or do things that you do not mean to do. You cannot die from lack of sleep. You can try to fight sleep but sorry bad news that sleep always