Age: 12
Timezone & Country: Central Standard Time.
What microphone: I have a regular windows head set but, I use a program to make it sound better.
Experience:I have a lot of experience being staff. 1)I have been staff on a CS-GO based server and I am currently Mod getting promoted real soon ;3. 2) I am on another sever called ElixirShrimp and that is a factions server in the making. so I have admin right now (op) and I also created some stuff for them such as the buy craft,forums, and such. And 3) I have been Co-Owner on PizzaHcf and I was super good! But sadly we have no staff or even no server anymore because I dev got salty that we did a prank on him and he left the staff team and took down the server ;_;.(After Edited) CoreHCF: CoreHCF was a server that was being created with me and a couple of my friends. This server was started for fun and began to become a serious project that would hopefully end up somewhere. As we went further into the server we started to get builds and plugins made. We were having daily staff meetings to help teach the staff members proper commands as well as plans for the server. Towards the end of the servers development it went downhill. We had found out that some of the admins had been going onto other servers and cheating. This included our developer. Soon after this the developer was fired because we did not want our server to be known as staff that cheats. We then had our other developer clear all of our worlds and configuration files. After all of our hard work and dedication we did not end up releasing nor even trying to bring it back. Besides all of this happening I did learn quite a bit about commands and ways of handling support rooms. Whale Prison: As cheesy as the server name is it was a great server that taught me so much. …show more content…
Whale Prison was a small network launched in 2013 by one of my good friends. This server was growing at a rapid pace around the end of 2013. By the middle of 2014 I had become great friends with many of the staff members. I would soon then apply for staff and end up getting accepted. From here I was able to help players and have even more fun. With me being staff for a very long time, almost a year I was given owner rank on the server. At this point the server had dropped a lot in players. We had been getting 70 - 80 players but then it had went down to about 40 - 35 players every day. At this point all of our active players had ranks and the things needed to play which meant less income for the servers host. The owner stopped talking to us and his players and became very inactive. Soon after this we had found out that server had been shutting down for good. With me coming to a end of a journey I had learned so much. I learned how to treat players kindly and respectfully. I was able to make friends and help as many people as possible per day. I learned what true dedication meant and how to really provide it. Why should we chose you: I have a good amount of reason why you should choose me and not anybody else: 1) I am super chill so that means say if you try and prank me (You probs will) I will be really chill about it and not be like "Oh u motherfu****. I never even wanted to be staff on this sh*t server." Ill just be like "OK bro that's fine". 2) I am really active so that means I can ban a lot of people when other staff aren't there and I can mute people when staff are not on. 3) I can provide proof/evidence of people cheating or saying "kys" or "I admit" and also I can record people cheating and possibly (If i get enough clips) Make some staff series. Also I am very mature. I do not laugh when it is not funny like when someone makes a ignorant racist joke I will not laugh.(After Edited) I am extremely active on the server, whether that be HCF, Kit Map, etc. This can