Tosone (2004) points out the long standing relationship between social work and psychodynamic and reveals that "social workers in private practice have abandoned their primary role as social change agents and have instead become agents of social control" (p. 476). She notes that this role change has promoted psychotherapy among clinical social workers as a favored method of therapy (Tosone, 2004). Relational cultural theory realigns and refocuses the clinician 's role back to what is at the heart of social work 's values; human relationships, mutual empathy and respect, empowerment, and social justice. Practice guided by relational culture theory facilitates a genuine desire for the client to achieve positive …show more content…
Controlling images and the client 's relational images are constantly being redefined and redeveloped. Relational social work allows us to accept and insert these forever changing definitions into our practice, where other practice models might be too rigid. Fluidity enables clinicians to adapt to their working environment. Social workers find themselves in various settings including private practice, social service agency, or a client 's home, and all require a different approach to intervention (Tosone,