Redemption River Analysis

Improved Essays

1. Give us a short summary of Redemption River: Men of Mercy:

Hunter James didn’t want or need redemption.

Until one mission turns his world upside down.

He left Mercy to fight for his country and escape a broken heart. Years later, he is hard. Cold. A man without mercy. Part of an elite Task Force, he tracks a brutal terrorist to his home town. And runs into the woman who betrayed him…

Evangeline Videl was destroyed when Hunter left. Determined to move on, she finds another man, but discovers too late the monster hidden beneath his smooth smile. Struggling to find the conviction to live, Evie finds her life spinning out of control.

Then Hunter returns…

Forced to band together to find the terrorist before it’s too late,
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So we now have Task Force Scorpion (TFS) in Mercy tracking a killer. This forces Hunter to be in close proximity with Evei.

9. Both Hunter and Evie are "damaged" characters, each with their own baggage from the past. Why do you like to use flawed lead characters? Because we all have flaws. I think keeping them relatable is what makes us connect to characters. Plus, watching them grow and realize throughout the whole story is fun too. And of course they can only help themselves
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10. What did you have the most fun with when writing Redemption River? Evie's grandpa, CW, he's a crazy old war vet that really has no issues putting the pressure on Hunter - and he dearly loves his granddaughter.

11. Do you have a message with the book - what do you hope readers will take away from it? That everyone makes mistakes, and often enough, lack of communication can destroy a relationship. This is a story of Redemption, of a man and woman both realizing the errors of their past and moving through their problems to ultimately find the greatest love of their lives.

12. You married a military man yourself - what is your advice to readers still looking for love? Stay true to yourself. Ultimately, a real man, military or not, should value you and who you are. I fell in love with my man firstly because he showed me respect - he opened doors for me, he bought my dinner and didn't wait for me to pick up the check, when he spoke to other's he had manners and respect, and ultimately - he put me above all others and still does to this day. I know that no matter what happens, he will always be there - you have to feel the same way about your man.

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