Stereotypes In A Military Family

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I come from a family that is rich in military respect. I grew up with my parents being married until I was in high school and I have 8 siblings. Most of the men in my immediate family are in a branch of service, mostly the Army. We have a strong sense of duty and love for our country. I say we because even though the women aren’t serving in the military we serve beside our husband, brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers, and nephews. This is a common belief from anyone who family in any branch of the military, it’s because we support our soldiers and take care of things at home if they’re serving.
It’s a bittersweet situation being a part of an Army family. We get to move around the U.S. and meet a ton of people this makes it easier to relate to people of different backgrounds in other cases we may not have met since we’ve lived in little towns. On the other side of that we have to leave our friends and schools often and sometimes it’s hard to feel as though we have roots. We are close with our families
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That of course is both the best and worst feeling in the world. Of course we battle with fear and pride, joy, terror, uncertainty, and overwhelming relief when they get to come home safely. So many aspects of growing up in a military family have filtered into my adult life. This ranges from the kind of man I’m married to and my opinions, feelings, sense of time, and the support of our military, how I feel about guns, how wanted to raise my daughter, how I treat other people, the ability to see things from more than one perspective and so many more things. I have respect for any person who serves in any capacity for the benefit of more than themselves such as military, police, firefighters, first responders. This is because it takes a certain mindset of people to put their life on the line for people they don’t know under a sense of duty and

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