a. Which policy best fits its respective organization and provide specific rationale.
• Upon review of the two policies and procedures, I would consider Duke University’s policy, on drug testing, a better fit of its respective organization at the collegiate level. The policy developed by the University includes strict detailed oriented instructions upon collection of a urine sample, to ensure that results are not contaminated and/or tampered with. It also emphasizes the importance of a samples being collected under the observation of a sports medicine staff member. It goes even further in detail to explain how samples are to be labeled. The policy identifies how student-athletes are to be notified once having been found guilty of using a banned substance; as well as listing the consequences of a positive drug test (i.e. first positive, second positive, and third positive). Furthermore, student-athletes have the ability to appeal a positive test as noted in the policy, contesting no fault, or no significant fault. And lastly, but most importantly, this policy stressed the importance of maintaining confidentially pertaining to information relating to a student’s alleged or confirmed use of a prohibited substance.
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Therefore, without further knowledge I am unable to address this question appropriately.
c. Identify potential issues or how employees could legally challenge policy and procedures.
• Student-athletes are required to sign a consent form, prior to such testing. Testing may begin on the day the student-athlete completes the consent form. With that in mind, the only potential issue I could foresee happening is drug testing a student-athlete prior to the consent formed being obtained. As a result, a positive test may be revoked as well as any consequences that may have followed. d. Provide an overall assessment of the quality of the policy and procedures and which was