Probation Gangster There are almost always two sides to things like with probation. The action of forbidding something, especially by law which was the The 18th Amendment.prohibition fights started in 1920 tell 1933. Volstead Act failed to prevent the large-scale distribution of alcoholic beverages, and organized crime flourished in America. In 1933, the 21st Amendment to the Constitution was passed and ratified, repealing prohibition.…
After release, law enforcement then works in conjunction with a parole officer if further attention is…
Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. They pursue education in areas such as psychology and criminal justice and find it rewarding to keeping the public safe while helping offenders reform. The officers use scientific methods, experience and training to predict risks and to identify ways to reduce recidivism. The need for these professionals is increasing as American legislators look for more efficient crime management methods.…
Within the Canadian criminal justice system offenders are often placed back into the community under the supervision of probation officers, as an alternative to incarceration (Griffiths & Murdock, 2014, p. 68). Imposed as a sentence by the Criminal Court judge, in a number of different ways and under different circumstances, probation is the most commonly used strategy for this type of supervision (Griffiths & Murdock, 2014, p. 92). When sentenced to probation, a criminal offender is placed under supervision in the community for a set amount of time up to three years, and is required to follow any general and specific conditions outlined by the court (Griffiths & Murdock, 2014, p. 69). Key to the success of correctional interventions include…
The principle makes sense, according to Alm. Probation is a great way to keep people out of prison, help them rebuild their lives and ease the burden on taxpayers. The problem is that probationers rampantly violate the rules, and are often sent back to prison is at the discretion of the probation officer or presiding judge. How those authorities respond to violations varies widely from state to state, according to a 2007 Pew Study, with "enormous implications" for prison population size, cost and public…
In the age of mass incarceration, a failed criminal justice system has left the United States with the largest imprisoned population in the world. There are many different elements that have helped play a part in this flawed criminalization regime which can all be traced back to the early history of the country. The 14th amendment though serving as a protection for citizens has with the addition of the war on crime helped disenfranchise much of the population in turn giving whites surrounding prisons unanticipated power. It is the creation of power relations throughout the country 's history that have helped cement the current criminal justice system into what it is today. Power relations such as the concept of “Property”, “Social death”, and…
The probation officers main goal is to provide rehabilitative programs…
By keeping these rehabilitated individuals out of the prisons, have created more space for the more serious offenders. The Probation program main focus is on Recidivism. It is a continual effort to provide strategies and treatment to achieve this goal. Studies have been conducted on Probation, and it is proven that recidivism rates vary depending on the place, seriousness of the crime, population, length of probation, and amount and quality of intervention, surveillance and enforcement (Schmalleger, Ortiz Smykla 2015, p.105). Pros and Cons of both Programs…
"Academic probation" is the most common term colleges and universities use to illustrate that a student is not reaching academic standards as required by the institution. Academic probation usually means that a student's grades and/or GPA are not high enough to continue in school if they have not made any progress and stayed at a plateau with their grade and/or GPA. Academic probation does not just apply for not meeting the school’s academic standards; it can be for a variety of reasons, but most of the time it will be for not meeting…
Probation and Punishment Probation is an alternative to prison provided by the court as a form of punishment for offenders that do not pose a severe threat to society. After reviewing the file of Kris, Robert Donovan, a Jurisville probation officer, has suggested severe probation. Probation officers examine the record of an individual and make recommendations to the court. Severe probation refers to direct supervision by a probation officer that is organized and designed to reroute the offender from going to prison. Criminals sent to prison are far more likely to commit crimes upon their release than the defendant that is on probation.…
State and county corrections generally have the same goals in mind; to make sure the community is safe, and to punish any criminals that harm the community. The first major difference between state and county corrections is the jurisdiction they have. County corrections only worry about crime that happen within the county it is in charge of. These crimes are generally small and don’t usually cross the county lines. On the other hand, the state is concerned about crimes that happen across multiple counties.…
In other words, the officers are tasked with the duty to monitor the offenders’ daily activities, to ensure that the individual is not violating the orders of their probation. As by violation of probation, the offender would be arrested and placed back in a correctional institution, either jail or prison, which is determined by a judge. Furthermore, the officers administer drug and alcohol tests to determine if the offender has violated one of the conditions of their probation. Moreover, the adult probation officers organize treatment programs to aid the offenders who have been arrested for substance abuse problems. (Tolia &…
In recent decades, public administration has seen a shift toward devolution, defined as “the transfer of authority to an organization that is legally separate from the state.” Public agencies often outsource government functions with the intention of promoting efficiency, competition, flexibility, innovation, and the development of results-oriented processes. As the private probation industry demonstrates, a public agency may also transfer authority to private companies when the latter can help the former increase revenue. Sarah Stillman identifies problems with the private probation industry, including corruption, coercive practices, and a lack of focus on rehabilitation and reducing recidivism rates. Restructuring the public-private partnership will not solve these problems because probation is a complex service and governments and courts lack the resources and management capacity to monitor whether private companies address issues like those Stillman outlines.…
Probation is a sentence that takes place within the community rather than a prison. The offender is supervised by a designated probation officer who oversees the offender and enforces any conditions placed upon them by the court. It emerged as a response to the strict uniformity of penal institutions and is a move towards the individualisation of sentencing, as punishment can be tailored to the individual needs of the offender (McLaughlin and Muncie, 2001). Probation was also a response to the overriding penal concern in the 1970’s, which lasted until the early 1990’s, of reducing the prison population, this led to the introduction of an array of alternatives to custody, with the assumption that their existence would enable the courts to use imprisonment more sparingly (Newburn, 2013).…
Probation allows the offender to participate in society, support their families, and the opportunity for a second chance. Probation offers accountability to stay out of trouble due to scheduled visits with a probation officer and usually random drug…