it will fall on the IDOC staff. The public seem to hold IDOC for what happens to any inmate, any parolee or any person that is a victim. Here is an example, two parolees where burglary, and where caught. The public was out outrage, and IDOC start making staff changes and even some were made to resign. What the public didn’t know was they the IDOC did not have any more ankle monitors and was on budget freeze so these two inmates could not be on ankle monitors, they had to use the ankle monitors for the violent offenders.…
The first lady that we watched take the stand was being seen because of a probation violation. The women had been placed on probation for unable to practice safely by reason of alcohol or other substance abuse. Ms. Owens was reported by a co-worker to have a slurred speech, was confusing co-workers’ names, appeared disoriented, and staggered while walking. The DON was called and came into the facility where Ms. Owens was working to observe her and then requested she submit a drug test where at that time it showed up positive for benzodiazepines and opiates. Ms. Owens then reported taking a hydrocodone pill a few hours before work and was having difficulty adjusting to the nightshift with her medicines.…
I do agree that as stated in “Maxim 5” in Chapter 11 of The Seven Laws of the Learner, that, “Equipping should focus more intensely on the most committed.” Wilkerson points out that, “One of the most crucial characteristics of equippers is that they carefully select the people they are going to equip. The Lord knew the apostles for a period of time before he selected them. Effective equippers focus their resources on the most faithful candidates who demonstrate the most promise for long-term and meaningful ministry for the Lord” (Wilkinson, 369). This is a slow building process that may take years to see to fruition.…
Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. They pursue education in areas such as psychology and criminal justice and find it rewarding to keeping the public safe while helping offenders reform. The officers use scientific methods, experience and training to predict risks and to identify ways to reduce recidivism. The need for these professionals is increasing as American legislators look for more efficient crime management methods.…
Jenalee Dawson Week 2 /Capstone I 585 Professional Investigation October 22nd 2015 As a current social worker, for this assignment I wanted to stay within my same current field , yet focus on careers within different departments of interest working in case management and social services. My career goal is to work as a Probation and or Parole officer within the near future, and I have a strong interest in becoming a Victim Advocate and working with the District Attorney.…
Incarceration, Weapon of War Kevin Pedraza California State University, Long Beach Abstract The United States war on drugs has had catastrophic effects on mothers, and ethnic minorities. These effects have resulted in the oppression of an already marginalized group, through mass incarceration. Piper Kerman witnesses the various adverse effects, these policies have inflicted on her fellow inmates.…
Looking back over what has been covered it east to now see the broad range of issues that are faced by juveniles and the juvenile justice system. In the early 1900s children were treated like smaller adults or even second class citizens. There were none to little rights held by the under eighteen youths of America. This lack of rights and protection allowed them to be taken advantage of. Many times children were treated as adults in the eyes of the law.…
The most challenging issues faced in the probation industry are dealing with the parolees not willing to help themselves into a better rehabilitative state. Probation officers can help probationers better their lives by following mandatory protocols depending on their charges such as goals of probation, risk and needs assessments, programs and approaches and cognitive-behavioral therapies. Probation officers goal is to determine what they are attempting to achieve through supervision. Because there are many programs and conditions that influence if the individual is going to be successful being on probation, leading to success is a complicated task and very challenging.…
However, they do have the opportunity for counsel advisement before accepting the program. Being on Probation, allows the offender to be in the community, however, they must abide by the rules and procedures of the Probation Officer. They must comply with all of these procedures, or the probation is revoked, and the revocation hearing will…
Across the United States, various state legislatures have been working to reduce overcrowding in prisons. It has been a problem in numerous places across the country, and the states affected have had to pass legislation that would address and fix the overcrowding problem. Nebraska is one of those states. However, amidst the vast debate over the legality of the death penalty in Nebraska, other criminal justice legislation, such as that of prison reform, is not a topic discussed in every household or establishment. Prison reform, though, is an issue that needs to be fixed sooner rather than later.…
Growing up as a first-generation Vietnamese immigrant was difficult. My parents had little education. They spoke no English and had no understanding of the American culture. Nevertheless, they raised my sister and I the best they could. I was fortunate to have immigrated at the young age of 3.…
Pressing for Prison Reform The prison system is just as corrupt as the prisoners inside them. We live in a world where it is deemed acceptable to punish a criminal by taking away their humanity, and only release them when they find it themselves. We must reform the flawed prison system; only then can we correct the criminal way of life. Today, it is not uncommon to hear intrusive and abhorrent events that happen behind bars, including excessive violence, sexual harassment, health violations, and misconduct of legal power.…
The criminal justice system maintains different goals when attempting to correct deviant and illicit behavior. In accordance to the sentencing guidelines established by United States Sentencing Commission (2011), punitive sentences are to incorporate a purpose for the sentence. Criminal sentencing can be categorized into six areas with distinctive goals: general and specific deterrence, incapacitation, retributive, rehabilitative, and equity/restitution. The sentencing goals are not exclusive and at times overlap in achieving its purpose. Furthermore, one goal is not better than another, but rather one would be more applicable in certain situations than another.…
The Funding of Rehabilitation Programs in the Federal Prison System of America and Their Effect on Prisoners Prison rehabilitation can be defined as the re-integration into society of a person who has been convicted of crime, to counter habitual offending, also known as criminal recidivism. (Rehabilitation Center., n.d.) These rehabilitation programs can take the form of educational, artistic, recreational and drug abuse programs. Many prisons in the U.S. don’t fund a substantial quality of rehabilitation programs even though they have proven to be highly effective in reintegrating prisoners to the outside world; seen through a lowered recidivism rate in those prisons that have implemented them.…
Probation is a sentence that takes place within the community rather than a prison. The offender is supervised by a designated probation officer who oversees the offender and enforces any conditions placed upon them by the court. It emerged as a response to the strict uniformity of penal institutions and is a move towards the individualisation of sentencing, as punishment can be tailored to the individual needs of the offender (McLaughlin and Muncie, 2001). Probation was also a response to the overriding penal concern in the 1970’s, which lasted until the early 1990’s, of reducing the prison population, this led to the introduction of an array of alternatives to custody, with the assumption that their existence would enable the courts to use imprisonment more sparingly (Newburn, 2013).…