Think about how you acquired these input skills.
I think I have acquired these input skills through my life experiences. I have worked pretty much my whole life. I started working at the family business as soon as I could was a dish, clean a table, fill salt/pepper containers, etc. I started pretty young and have had several, probably more than twenty, jobs ever since. I also grew up in a family that was very active in church and I was asked to teach little ones as soon as I turned 16, spoke in front of the congregation several times, organized events, and had several responsibilities. All of these experiences helped me acquire all of the input skills.
What games did you play as a …show more content…
As a high school teacher, club sponsor, department head and CAS Coordinator, I would have to say that I use all twelve of the fundamental input strategies regularly. The following are a few examples of how I use the twelve fundamental input strategies:
• I am constantly using planning behaviors to identify what needs to get done, manage my time between all of my positions and do them right.
• Control of impulsivity is extremely important in this profession; especially when confronted by disrespectful students or disagreements between colleagues.
• Exploring data systematically, gathering precise and accurate data, are used daily while evaluating my students through formative and/or summative assessments and then using this data to redirect teaching and calculating grades.
• Identifying constancies across variations is used every day when working directly with over 200 students, their parents and faculty/staff members. Not only recognizing them but knowing their name, grade level, what organizations they are a part of and perhaps their personal …show more content…
However, I have mentored several new teachers. I have been asked those questions and when asked I do find it difficult to answer the question. “I just know.” I think this is because it has just become a part of our nature that we don’t stop to think about “how” we know these things. I would have to say that my explanations probably did involve a form of these skills.
Discussion of administrative skills
Take your desire to learn how to become an administrator and describe how some of these skills will be utilized in administration.
• Use Planning Behaviors – this skill will probably be used quite a bit as an administrator. As an administrator it is part of our responsibility in guiding the staff in setting goals as a school, assigning individual’s time to achieve these goals and expecting the product to be of high quality.
• Control Impulsivity – administrators must stay in control of their emotions at all times. Think before speaking and acting. As an administrator there will be times of conflict or disagreement and it is vital that the administrator stops and thinks about what would be the best way of controlling the situation.
• Orient data in time – being able to think through a situation, activity, event by analyzing the cause and effect. Analyze the risk assessment and avoid any possible problems with the plans before