- While each of them were arguing throughout the film some of the nonverbal cues were the raising of their voices displaying anger, pointing and movement of hands showing that they are confused and irritated with one another. With parts even without speaking or yelling you could tell that there was tension and aggression by their facial expressions of being stressed and mad. Where there were group discussions with both of the families together most of the family member’s body’s were stiff and folded their hand on the lap showed that many of …show more content…
In the film, there were many mixed emotions involved like the facial expression and tone of voice to express their feelings, in the Hispanic culture the same cues are used to express their feelings, especially with those whom speak very little English are trying to communicate with others that speak very little Spanish. (Jacob et al, 2016)
- In situations like the one presented it may be easier to communicate and get the point across through nonverbal communication when unfamiliar with the language. In a like manner to, the film where the two fathers fought throughout the movie because there were intimidated by one another, making eye contact in the Hispanic culture can be interpreted as a challenge or intimidation (Guarnero, 2005).
13. - After asking a friend if she had any experiences with conflict that were related to cultural differences, there were many reoccurring instances in a church group she attended, where the majority of the people in the group is Hispanic and their group leader is white.
- Many times she felt harassed by this group leader because he would make rude and racial comments towards Hispanics without realizing it. No one in the group ever confronted the group leader and didn’t say anything to defend themselves or say that they were …show more content…
Admittedly, the group members that are affected need to administrate a time aside from the church group to sit down and talk to their group leader about the situation. Communication is essential, given the fact he is unaware of what the group members are feeling because no one has communicated with him. Being open, respecting each other, and listening to one another is how this conflict will come to a resolution and prevent future conflicts.
15. After living in a community where over half of the population is apart of the Hispanic Culture in Yuma, Arizona. While there was many parts of the culture like their family values and cultural heritage I was familiar with because it is a major part of the community in that town and also all my friends are Hispanic. I never learned how to transition to this new culture and learning verbal and nonverbal cues. While doing the research I learned a lot on how to act and prevent certain situations. Also, will be many concept that I can use myself and to educate others when interacting with other cultures. To minimize culture shock it is important to have a positive attitude when solving problems, engage with the culture, and eventually over time certain parts of the culture will make