Shouldn’t be overloaded so they can spend quality time with their subordinates and should listen to problems and feedback actively. Give constructive feedback, which will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate. Managers should properly select the right medium of communication. E.g simple messages can be delivered orally or in meetings. Written means of communications are best for complex messages. For daily reminders memos and small notices can suffice. Also for effective communication in an organisation the managers should make sure individuals are meeting targets set in a timely manner.
1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needs
Verbal communication allows you to present ideas, thoughts and feelings easily. If somebody doesn’t quite understand then non verbal communication may convey your message. Non verbal is mainly through body language, facial expressions, tone, touch, signs, symbols, pictures and other visual aids. Written communication is vital in all aspects in the care home, whether its record keeping, letters, meetings and updating care plans. Even in advertising written with pictures is ideal.
Sometimes it is not possible to overcome a barrier to communication sovan alternative form of communication must be found such as sign language, Lip reading and Makaton which is often used for people with learning disabilities. Also Braille if somebody is