He punched Carlos in the face and wanted him to go. In my opinion, no matter who Carlos is or what did he do, Carlos is still his son. He can stay mad at Carlos but push Carlos away just because he is gay is not a right thing. Author put Carlos in a situation that he is a good man but just because he is gay so his family left him because that is so embarrassed his family. Same thing with Magdalena’s family, when her father finds out that she is pregnant, he left her too. Instead of being by their children’s side, both Carlos and Magdalena’s father decide to push them away. Let them face with the problems by themselves. I guess, both father are just so dictatorial to understand for their children. They straight up and don’t care about their children’s life. With the A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, we have the Rodriguez family. His father never speaks English with him but their first language Spanish. His English is poorly (Aria 26) because he could not practice at home with his father. Maybe his father is not confident about his English so he does not want to practice with Rodriguez. But help him out by practice English at home might help a
He punched Carlos in the face and wanted him to go. In my opinion, no matter who Carlos is or what did he do, Carlos is still his son. He can stay mad at Carlos but push Carlos away just because he is gay is not a right thing. Author put Carlos in a situation that he is a good man but just because he is gay so his family left him because that is so embarrassed his family. Same thing with Magdalena’s family, when her father finds out that she is pregnant, he left her too. Instead of being by their children’s side, both Carlos and Magdalena’s father decide to push them away. Let them face with the problems by themselves. I guess, both father are just so dictatorial to understand for their children. They straight up and don’t care about their children’s life. With the A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood, we have the Rodriguez family. His father never speaks English with him but their first language Spanish. His English is poorly (Aria 26) because he could not practice at home with his father. Maybe his father is not confident about his English so he does not want to practice with Rodriguez. But help him out by practice English at home might help a