Naloxone Should Not Be Free Essay

Decent Essays
Naloxone, commonly known as the life saving drug or Narcan, has saved more than 10,000 overdoses. Many of these people have put themselves in the position of death and have been saved once, and sometimes many times by narcan. Narcan is a drug that is used by healthcare professionals to reverse the effects of opioids such as heroin, methadone, morphine, opium, cocaine and plenty of others when treating an overdose. Personally, I believe Narcan should not be free. It should start to double the price every time that person has had to receive the drug to save their lives. It may seem like I am acting like i’m superior to those whose lives have been saved by Narcan but I am not. I understand sometimes life is hard and other times accidents have been made, yet there are many people who are ungrateful for the drug and continue to push themselves to the brink of death and overdose multiple times and getting saved time and time again. These are the people who ruin it for the others who only receive it once because of accidents and other events. …show more content…
The cost, however, varies depending on what company manufactures it. Naloxone is a generic medication, so while its price is not affected by patents, market issues such as supply and demand may influence cost. The injectable form of naloxone is typically less than $2 per dose. Why should Drug users get their lives saved multiple times by their own doings and people who have cancer or other diseases, have to pay thousands for medication. Other patients have to pay so much for simple medications that they need to keep their bodies functioning because of a defect or something else, however, if someone overdoses they receive their medication for free, even though they chose to use that needle unlike someone who is born with a life threatening

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