Rather near or far bringing a cell phone with you on that gander may make your walk less dredded. If you are carrying a cell phone while walking alone if something bad happens you have easy contact to help, you can use your phone to pretend you are having a conversation with someone so you come off to others as not alone and it is always handy to carry a cell phone just in case you encounter a rare sight. A main reason I bring my cell phone on walks alone now is because one time my dog and I fell through the ice and after I had made it back to shore where I had taken my phone out of my pocket previously from getting onto the ice it was very easy for me to thankfully call for some help. I also find walking home alone in the dark can sometimes give me an uneasy feeling and pretending I am on the phone with someone helps me feel less alone and
Rather near or far bringing a cell phone with you on that gander may make your walk less dredded. If you are carrying a cell phone while walking alone if something bad happens you have easy contact to help, you can use your phone to pretend you are having a conversation with someone so you come off to others as not alone and it is always handy to carry a cell phone just in case you encounter a rare sight. A main reason I bring my cell phone on walks alone now is because one time my dog and I fell through the ice and after I had made it back to shore where I had taken my phone out of my pocket previously from getting onto the ice it was very easy for me to thankfully call for some help. I also find walking home alone in the dark can sometimes give me an uneasy feeling and pretending I am on the phone with someone helps me feel less alone and