Hunter shrugged but said nothing and showed no emotion what so ever.
Silence filled the room, all eyes on Hunter. Dad’s cell phone rang.
“Hey you got that prick yet?” Lucifer asked.
“Yep, what’s up?”
“You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you. You know that saying, what is, seven degrees of separation?”
“Six,” dad shook his head, “Six degrees of separation. What’s that have to do with this situation Prez?”
“I just found out that Hunters biological dad is Ronnie’s step dad, Peter Thomas. He had an affair on his wife years back. Hunter’s childhood was shit, his momma was a drunken whore that had men in out of the home.” Dad glared at Hunter, “Thanks.” He ended the call with Lucifer. “Do you know Ronnie?” he asked Hunter. “Met him a few weeks ago, I thought maybe if I could talk to Peter it would help me a little bit, but, it only added fuel to the fire.” Hunter said with a shrug. “Apple doesn’t fall far from the fucking tree.” Bryan said through clenched teeth. “You all do realize that Harley’s just as much at fault as I am, don’t you?” Hunter said. I shot up out of the chair, with the butt of my gun I smashed it across his face. Blood spewed from his mouth onto my shirt and splattered onto the table. “Fuck you!” I grabbed his shirt in my fist. I wanted to keep pistol whipping him but dad stopped me before I could hit him again. “Enough!” dad spoke. “Bryan, if you had to choose between letting him die and watching him go to prison where we get weekly updates of the beatings he receives. Which would you choose?” Cheyenne looked at Bryan, “He doesn’t deserve to die. …show more content…
I’d let the piece of shit go to prison and be ass raped on a daily basis. I’d let him have sleepless nights not knowing when the next beating or rape will happen.”
Bryan’s icy glare settled on Cheyenne as he thought about what she had said, “You know what else happened to Harley in all of this? Your sick fucking husband raped her so hard he killed her baby.”
Hunter and Cheyenne both gasped then Cheyenne fell to the floor in tears, “I’m so sorry, oh my God. I’m so sorry.” Her face was buried in her hands and her shoulders shook fiercely with each sob. Then she jumped up and tried to take Bryan’s gun from him. “I’m going to kill him, give me the gun!” she wasn’t going to get if from Bryan but she continued to struggle until she went limp against him. Clutching onto his leather vest she hugged him and apologized repeatedly. Bryan raised his gun and pointed it right at Hunter.
Hunter’s eyes widened. “Boom—boom--mother fucker. If you don’t die within the first year in prison, I’ll personally see to it that you do.” “Ryder make the call.” Hank stood there shaking his head, “Dude you’re going