Have you ever been assigned homework randomly for no reason? Homework causes many problems at home and at school. A main problem is that teachers don’t know how to properly assign homework. Some people may think that homework is beneficial but I think that homework is non-beneficial. In my opinion homework is non-beneficial for students. One reason is that homework has no effect on students. Another reason is that homework takes away from the family and other outside of school activities. Lastly homework gives no academic benefits/achievements.
Homework is non-beneficial for students because homework has no effect on the students. Evidence to support this is homework is supposed to make better sense of the world, but too often it doesn’t says the article as homework grows so do its arguments against it. A veteran educator Dorothy Rich says, “in the biggest parameter it ought to make better sense of the world. Too often it just doesn’t .” I agree with Dorothy because most of the homework we are provided at school has nothing to do with what is going on around us in our communities or our environment. This proves that homework has no effect on students. Another piece of evidence to support that homework has not effect on students is that even for older students too much homework may diminish its effectiveness. Robert Marzano, a well-known educational researcher says that Cooper, Robinson, and Patall in 2006 stated a strong warning about homework, they said, “Even for older students too much homework may diminish its effectiveness or even could become counter productive.” I agree because some teachers give out homework just because they think that students need the homework, but the homework does not have any effect on the lesson or the study. This also proves that homework has no effect on students. Robert Marzano and The homework debate state that the quality of homework needs to be improved and research fails to show homeworks effectiveness as an instructional tool. I agree with Robert Marzano and “The Homework Debate” because lots of homework doesn’t help with tests or help us increase our skills like math, science, and writing. This proves that homework …show more content…
Robert Marzano states that too much homework harms students family time and could be detrimental to students mental health. I agree with Robert Marzano because when I get too much homework at school I tend to stay up late to finish the homework and then in the morning I am so tired I can barely get up and go to school. This proves that homework takes time away from the family and other outside of school activities. More evidence to support that homework takes time away from the family and other outside of school activities is that, “A large majority of kids lack at home resources to help them with their homework.” Says the article ‘Should schools be done with Homework?’. Marzano states that “Homework is harm to economically disadvantaged students who are unintentionally penalized because their environments often make it almost impossible to complete assignments.” I agree with both the article and Robert Marzano because some students have parents that work late or work through the night so they don’t have people to help them with their homework. This proves that homework takes time away from the family and other outside of school