Personal Statement Maths is such a broad, diverse subject and studying the four areas of maths has given me a wide range of mathematical skills whilst also being a lot of fun! There is always something more to learn and understand, and it is that which fuels my dedication to the subject. The challenge that math poses motivates me to spend time working on problems and gaining the satisfaction from finding the solution. Algebra is my favourite area of maths for this very reason.…
Even though mathematics captured my interest back in my high school years with its complexity and beauty, college classes and Mu Alpha Theta have only fed my desire to learn more. Discovering the countless applications of mathematics and how it is a fundamental language of all sciences amazed me and opened my eyes to the creativity that is possible through mathematics. Furthermore, discussing mathematical topics and problems with fellow Mu…
I’m the youngest from my 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My siblings were born in Mexico, unlike me I was born in Elmhurst, Queens and grew up in Junction Boulevard. When I turned 13 I had to move to Kearny, New Jersey. I do not have any memories growing up in Queens because my mother was over-protected. I do remember as to was why I had to leave Queens.…
I always found refuge in math’s exactness, so I poured myself into the structure and the problems. But in the cycle of rearranging and factoring and calculating, I yearned for a unified understanding of the concepts we were learning. My solution: forging an appreciation of why everything in mathematics worked. There may be arbitrary starting points and definitions, but once I understood that everything we were learning extended concepts that extended concepts that extended this very groundwork of mathematics, it illuminated the poetic brilliance mathematics is: everything flowed together, and I carried out each procedure with purpose and…
Not all academic classes have been easy for me. Math continues to challenge me each year, I have gone the extra mile to continue to challenge myself in this area and seek additional assistance when necessary.…
This is my best work for Liberal Arts Mathematics. Though this class may be a review of every math course I have taken in high school thus far, it is rather challenging. I have discovered new information and ideas that I have never learned before. Those new ideas have been very difficult at times, especially in this unit. I set aside an entire week to study for this test, I reviewed every concept, every quiz, every assignment, etc..…
As a freshman, getting the chance to participate in this program is a wonderful thing. BLAST would help me to start thinking about college, what I want to do, and my major. This program would be a great opportunity to be able to experience the college life and explore a college campus. Also, it allows me to try new activities and learn new skills. It will give me a chance to see what life after high school is like, firsthand.…
1) What three words best describe you? Explain. (Colleges always ask me to give three words that describe you… If you come up with something I like, I will use it. 1.Dependable 2.Genuine 3.Determined 2)Describe what you think is the most important thing you learned while taking my class – it doesn’t have to be about math.…
One statement that was made in the book was interesting to me was Algebra begins in prekindergarten. Towards the end of year my 8th graders have anxiety about going to take Algebra in 9th grade. Now I can tell them they have done Algebra in every grade and didn’t realize it. Another concept was interesting was on pg. 262 when the author stated “one reason that students are unsuccessful in algebra is that they don’t have a strong understand of the symbols.”…
There were a few myths that I also learned about from this course. I thought my future career had to match my college major. After taking the course and my interview, I now understand this is simply not true. I plan on becoming a math…
United States miss the mark to exploit on the ability through hard work. High school students’ math score, during an international math competition, underperformed compared with other countries. In Intelligence and How to Get It, Nisbett explores how the educational systems of East Asian countries put importance on hard work and not as much on inherent talent: He explains how the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans excel at math compared to Americans. He emphasized that students in Japan attend school sixty extra days a year compared to American students.…
This became boring and I eventually lost interest. My senior year of high school I was placed in another class, a normal event for me by then, where I came across a very good teacher named Mr. Mike Britton. Mr. Britton was always willing to help me with math. Even though I was not technically in his class, I did use his classroom for my independent studies. He was always willing to teach me, at a slower pace, the math a senior in high school should be taking, like algebra.…
AH1200 Course Final Jamee` Hall Charter College Abstract The importance of math skills and the different types and reasons that math would be used on a daily basis are what I’ll be covering within my paper. Math is essential for healthcare professionals in many ways from vital signs, to the growth or lack of growth of patients. Recording and maintaining medical record information such as the vital signs, medications, payments etc., is a huge part of math in healthcare. Without truly understanding basic math skills healthcare workers will not be able to accurately convert medications and cause errors.…
During this course I was able to see many different aspects of management. As a business major I was excited to finally take a course that I felt really related to the topic. My business communication and writing skills have vastly improved after taking this class. I am extremely thankful for the knowledge I gained, as I know it will help me throughout my life and career. I know so much more about business and everything that is associated with it.…
Math and science is important for all ages, however, it is the foundation in the early stages of childhood that builds skills in other areas. Philosophically, math and science is defined differently. One studies patterns, while the other studies nature. Although they have differences, both subjects are the most closest to each other. In education they are connected and should be integrated with each other and other subjects.…