The blue bordered section of this book lists the alphabetical name of the material, followed by the guide number and the four digit ID number. While the orange section lists the guide number along with the general hazards of the dangerous materials. This orange section should be given priority, as it is the location of where all the safety recommendations for the various hazardous materials can be found. Each of the 62 guide numbers from 111 through 172, are presented in a two page spread with each guide number listing the potential hazards, public safety and emergency response actions. The left side of the page gives the responder safety related information, while the right side of the page provides guidance and recommendations for fires, spills or first aid treatments. On the left side under potential hazards, fire or explosion is listed with bullet points that highlight the most likely hazards. Health is also listed with bullet points following with the highest possible risk listed first. This section should be read first so that the first responder can make informative decisions to protect themselves, the team and nearby people. Following this portion, is the public safety section, where a responder is given a list of directives, along with …show more content…
If an entry has a green highlight in the yellow or blue section, and no fire is present, then it is safe to proceed to table one for safety distances. However, if there is a fire, then one should flip to the orange section of this guidebook to determine the proper public safety