In every factory, there would be one woman who would convince the others to go on strike and they would go because they all feel the same. Even today, there are still more people out their living paycheck to paycheck. It is something like this that changed how the workforce is today for us. The factory owners would hire the police to arrest the people who go on strike and prostitutes to pick fights with the workers. This just shows that the factory owners has the money to keep the workers to not go on strike, but they did not care. The women knew that their families will starve because they will not be earning money for that week. The fire at the Triangle factory had led to deaths from the ninth floor. The owners fled their way out without warning the factory works downstairs. That is why emergency exits and the doors must be open always during business hours today. All of the safety measures and monthly safety check exists. Everyone in the workplace today are required to know where fire extinguishers are located and …show more content…
All they could do was try to find something that they know belonged to the people. For example, a dentist had to look inside the mouths to identify his patients just by remembrance of what the people got done for their teeth. The city helped by raising money for burials and comforted the families. No one should have to bury their family members because of the work environment and huge accidents. A father should not have to bury his own daughter. Who is just a teenage that has not been