Everyday I would see my parents wake up before the sun rises. I would be taken to my babysitter where from there I would be taken to school. I was young at an age where I didn’t know what was going on. I was in first grade I didn’t speak english my teacher didn’t know spanish. There was no way of of her and I communicating. I would sit in my chair and just stare at her. I would see it in her eyes she wanted to help me, but she didn’t know how. There was times where I would just be coloring. I only knew how to color, I couldn't speak english. I didn’t have nobody to help me seeing my parents work hard to give me a better future. It made me helpless at the point I try my best to learn. I said to myself I will try my best to learn english I will not give up. I was very young I didn’t know why I was brought into this place. …show more content…
I didn't understand it either. Growing up English became one of my most difficult subject to understand. I wouldn’t let myself give up. Every night I would try to read a book or try to speak it a little bit. I didn’t have nobody to teach me. When I would arrive at my house all I would speak is spanish because my mom and dad only knew that language. It become difficult for me to learn it. I felt like the school didn’t seem to care they never tried to help me out. The only thing they would tell my mom is she doesn't do her work. I would tell my mom yes I don’t do it and is because I don't understand. The teacher won’t help me. I felt different like I didn’t fit in school. I had no one to speak to I would always be alone. The kids didn’t talk to me because I didn’t speak english. As a grew older I would stay everyday after school when I was in Middle School. I would stay with Ms Carnero and she would help me read. Ms Carnero made an impact in my life because she help me become a better reader. Staying after school made me I want to give my parents a better future. It also help me develop to learn how to read. I was able to communicate more with other people. Every time I needed help in anything I knew how to speak english and ask for help. My life became a little bit easy, but I was still learning. I would keep seeing my parents wake up before the sun rises and leave to work. Sometimes I would wonder if I was going to end up like them. Living a life where all they do is work in the fields and they never have a break. Sometimes it would make my cry because I didn’t want that in my life. I would dream of being a doctor,nurse, police officer and more. My mother told me to never give up and make those dreams become reality. To this day I am still learning how to become a better writer. Yes I was able to speak English and write it. I can’t say I am the best, but I can only say I don’t