Khol, also known as “Kajal”, is basically black makeup that is usually placed around children’s eyes to ward of evil spirits. Although this may seem to have a direct relationship with Hinduism, it is also something that is practiced by Muslims . By exporting these containers, one would simply be selling items that are related to a semi-religious practice, if you’d like to call it that. So, one wouldn’t be taking advantage of a very serious religious item or symbol in my opinion, and these containers might not even be used to place khol around baby’s eyes. I believe that there is not enough religious or cultural meaning behind this practice for the purchase of these things to be considered cultural
Khol, also known as “Kajal”, is basically black makeup that is usually placed around children’s eyes to ward of evil spirits. Although this may seem to have a direct relationship with Hinduism, it is also something that is practiced by Muslims . By exporting these containers, one would simply be selling items that are related to a semi-religious practice, if you’d like to call it that. So, one wouldn’t be taking advantage of a very serious religious item or symbol in my opinion, and these containers might not even be used to place khol around baby’s eyes. I believe that there is not enough religious or cultural meaning behind this practice for the purchase of these things to be considered cultural