Comparing Iago And Rhoda In Shakespeare's Othello

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Iago and Rhoda aren’t even from the same book yet they still find a way to relate to each other. In the books Anderson’s Bad Seed and Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago and Rhoda share similar characteristics such as jealousy of another character, good manipulators, and both have a short temper. Jealous in the stories is what keeps the conflicts interesting. Although their reasoning differed they both Iago and Rhoda were short tempered because of jealousy. In Othello, Iago shows Cassio who received the lieutenant position bothers him and is jealous of him. Iago says, “One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, A fellow almost damned in a fair wife, That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows...By debitor and creditor. This …show more content…
Iago convinces everyone he is honest which makes it easier for him to lie to characters in the story. Knowing that it wasn’t true, Iago lied to Othello that his love Desdemona was having affair with Cassio. He tells Cassio to bed Desdemona to talk to Othello after loosing his lieutenant position. This will not only make it look like Cassio and Desdemona. Othello asks Iago “Was not that Cassio parted from my wife?” Iago says intentionally “Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think it, that he would steal away so guilty like, seeing you coming. Othello confused then says, “I do believe 'twas he. (3.3.37-44)” Iago manipulates almost every character in Othello, and as soon as Emilia begins to unfold the truth he kills her. Rhoda is different when it comes to manipulating. She makes everyone in the story believe she’s a caring 8 year old so they would never suspect her. Monica explains, “ I wish I had one of my own.” Another example is when Tasker says,” Now there’s a little ray of sunshine.” But really is she a ray of sunshine? They don’t know her like her mother found her out so everyone only sees the fake or manipulated side of Rhoda. Both characters manipulate people to think they are something that they are not. Iago honest? Rhoda is a ray of

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