Intervention Strategies
The clinician will utilize the milieu method to increase Amanda’s language content skills. Warren and Bambara (1989) reference Warren and Kaiser (1986) in their article: “An Experimental Analysis of Milieu Language Intervention: Teaching the Action-Object Form” by stating the milieu method gives evidence to of teaching target skills effectively in the natural environment, typically results in generalization of target skills across settings, time and persons, and, finally, can result in gains in the formal aspects of early language acquisition and use. They also describe the main focus of this approach as having the child “lead within the context of normal conversational interchanges and an orientation toward teaching the form and content of language in the context of normal use” (Warren and Bambera, 1989). This approach ties in perfectly to work on increasing the client’s understanding of language context, as this was her weakest area on the CELF-4. The clinician will utilize the milieu method to increase Amanda’s language context skills. Warren and Bambara (1989) reference Warren and Kaiser (1986) in their article: “An Experimental Analysis of Milieu Language Intervention: Teaching the Action-Object Form” by stating the milieu method gives evidence to of teaching target skills effectively in the natural environment, typically results in generalization of target skills across settings, time and persons, and, finally, can result in gains in the formal aspects of early language acquisition and use. They also state from previous research that the milieu method has increased frequency of requests, imitation, and responses to open-ended questions, making this the appropriate approach to utilize with Amanda to increase her understanding of language content and her expressive skills of communication (Warren and Bambara, pg. 448, 1989). Goals • LONG TERM GOAL 1: The client will (TCW) increase their knowledge of language content to an appropriate level. o Short Term Goal 1: TCW verbally answer factual questions in a natural setting with 100% accuracy, given maximal verbal cues, in 5/5 opportunities over three consecutive sessions. Activity: The clinician will ask the client factual questions about herself through discourse to baseline her expressive capabilities of communication. The clinician will transcribe her utterance, mark if she answered the question correctly, and make comments about her performance. Techniques/Strategies: The clinician will utilize scaffolding to expose and engage the child to increasing their context skills and eventually not need the clinician’s assistance (Nippold, pg. 330, no date). o Short Term Goal 2: TCW verbally answer inferencing questions after reading a passage from a story with 100% accuracy, given maximal verbal cues, in 5/5 opportunities over three consecutive sessions. Activity: The clinician will have the client read an excerpt …show more content…
90, 2010). The No Child Left Behind Act also mandates school districts to help all children achieve academic success (Wolf Nelson, pg. 91, 2010). Academic success includes “five essential components” which are phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, reading fluency, vocabulary and text comprehension (Wolf Nelson, pg. 92, 2010). Amanda’s needs fall within two of these five components, as stated in the case history, which are limited vocabulary and text