When he was younger he was very inspired by computers and code (ex: JavaScript). When he found out that there were computers in his school, he started hacking into the Computer Center Corporations (CCC) computers, resetting their meters, and crashing them for fun (Source 3). For this he was suspended from the computers for some time. The CCC had a bug on their computers so they told Gate’s gang of hackers that if they found the bug and removed it from their computers they would be granted unlimited access to the computers at all times. In 1973 Gates went to Harvard but his best friend Paul Allen decided to take a different route in life. Allen eventually moved closer to Gates and showed him a magazine about the newest computer. Gates created a program that he wanted to try to implement onto the computer, but sadly the computers prototype was lost in shipping. The computer producer asked them to show off their program for implementation (at the time they had created another improved prototype). …show more content…
Gates has also innovated major software code programs to make the P.C. (Personal Computer) or even any computer better and stronger. It is arguable that Gates is one of if not the most successful entrepreneur of the 20th century. In 25 years, he turned a two-man project into a multibillion-dollar company, and made himself the richest man in the world. When he was 15 years of age he and Allen went into business together. The two of them gained $20,000 dollars with Traf-O-Data, a Seattle traffic flow program. For years Microsoft had Battles with Apple to see who could have better software. In 1985 they launched Asymetrix, and have then on been the most successful high-tech venture