. Without the right to carry a firearm, How would You protect yourself if someone decided to break into your house and harm you or your family? Or like what happened in France recently when terrorists went into Paris and opened fire into the public and wreaked havoc throughout the city. Did you ever think about why the terrorists chose …show more content…
They are trying to take away the ability to protect ourselves. The solution to this problem is to use our 12th amendment(Right to chose our president and vice president) and our 19th amendment(right to vote) to make sure we put educated individuals in our government that will protect the 2nd amendment. People talk about how guns are the leading weapon used in crimes, but no one talks about the percentage of crimes stopped by guns. Around 10,000 people are killed in a gun related situation each year, but 2.5 million crimes are stopped with guns each year. There are over 15,000 people killed each year. If you think about it, the people that commit those 10,000 gun related killings will not listen to the law if you take away the people’s right to bear arms. It is illegal to kill someone but you still see over 15,000 people being killed each. So How do you think taking away guns would affect the crime rate? It would increase the killings since people would not be able to protect themselves while the bad people would still be finding a way to get a gun and shoot someone. Instead of the government telling the people how bad guns are and how we should increase the gun laws, they should be encouraging people to go out and take classes and know how to handle a firearm and show people that it can be a life source and not a life