Androgenic Steroids Research Paper

Improved Essays
Side Effects of Androgenic Drugs:

In men, androgenic steroids can:

Reduce sperm count.
Shrink the testicles.
Cause you not to be able to father children.
Enlarge the breasts.
In women, androgenic steroids can:

Increase body hair.
Make skin rough.
Decrease breast size.
Enlarge the clitoris.
Deepen the voice.
In both men and women, androgenic steroids can cause:

High blood pressure, heart attack, or stroke.
Higher levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
Liver disease and possibly liver cancer. The chance of these problems is higher when steroids are taken as a pill.
Oily skin, acne, and male-pattern hair loss.
Skin infections that can become severe if the drug was tainted with bacteria.
Irritability, rage,
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The major difference between the two types of steroids is the specific side effects per gender. The androgenic steroids provide symptoms unique to the make gender, such as low sperm count, shrinkage of testicles, and infertility. The estrogenic steroids, however, provide symptoms unique to the female gender. Some of these include breakthrough vaginal bleeding, vaginal spotting, changes in menstrual flow, painful menstruation. pre-menstrual syndrome, no menstrual period during and after estrogen use, enlargement of uterine fibroid, and vaginal infection with Candida. As for androgen side effects for women and estrogenic side effects for men, they are normal side effects like diarrhea and bleeding gums. Each hormone is specific to its …show more content…
I think that the use of anabolic steroids to build muscle causes far more (and more dangerous) side effects than positive effects. Side effects caused by steroids can cause permanent damage to your reproductive system and can take away your ability to have children. The only benefits of using steroids is faster muscle growth, which is not worth losing the ability to have children. I would definitely not recommend the use of steroids to my friend, because I do not want his/her life to be ruined because of the drugs. The only possible way I might recommend it is to a male because he can take human chorionic gonadotropin to counteract the bad side effects. However, I would only suggest he use it if he is willing to risk parenthood, which I doubt he

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