The police look as though they are unarmed and mellow. Away from the main focus the background is blurred. This shows that emphasis should be on Kendall Jenner handing a police officer a Pepsi. In the blurred background you can make out two other police officers, typical for a peaceful protest. The color is vivid, which helps to emphasize the current time. The main color that stands out is blue. The color blue is important in this photo not only because of Pepsi, but because of what the color blue symbolizes. One of the most remarkable symbolism of the color blue is faith and trust. This is important because in order to have a peaceful protest full trust must be in the police officers who dress in blue. Kendall Jenner was able to safely hand a police officer a Pepsi because of the trust between them. However, faith and trust was only achieved because it was an advertisement. This photo of Kendall Jenner caused some stark controversy because of what is happening in the real world. Police are ending the lives of black people. The color blue is supposed to symbolize trust and faith and serenity. Which is why Kendall Jenner's photo received major backlash. The photo was accused of exploiting the Black lives Matter movement. The photo makes it seem as though one rich white girl is able to “end” police brutality and white supremacy by handing a police officer a …show more content…
Kendall Jenner is perceived as from this photo as out of touch with reality. There was major backlash because the commercial aimed to create the conception that police brutality could be ended by handing and officer a Pepsi. Bernice King, daughter of assassinated Civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, tweeted about the ad “If only Daddy would have known about the power of a Pepsi” including a photo of her father being pushed by police. There was no harm meant by the commercial, however the ad had to be pulled because of the backlash received. In direct juxtaposition the second photo is seen as peaceful, pure, and unadulterated. Georgetown University history professor Michael Kazin says "one of the reasons that photograph became famous is that there was an effort to talk to the soldiers, to convince them to throw down their guns and join us”. This protest was one of the first to become violent. Many protesters were trying to enter into the pentagon. More than one hundred and sixty protesters were arrested. The act seems innocent. Their intentions were pure. In the Pepsi commercial photo the mood that surrounds the photo is