Advantages And Disadvantages Of Quantitative Research Methods

Decent Essays
The age long war between the two paradigms of research have waged on for decades. Qualitative and quantitative researchers live in harmony, but they reside in different dimensions depending on the type of research they incorporate. However, Polyes notes that both methods overlap in some instances in terms of research which lead him into believing that the two paradigms can complement each other. Looking at the quantitative survey presented by SFU, I plan on discussing the strengths and drawbacks of this research method as well as the presentation of findings. As I move forward with the essay I intend on designing my study by employing a qualitative approach and later combining it with the quantitative study to form a multi-method research. …show more content…
(pp5) quantitative researchers perceive themselves as truth seekers of “numerical precision.” (pp. 4) There are various strengths of conducting a quantitative research. In terms of this specific case study this method is quite apt to aggregate large amounts of data which could be used to apply to a large population. This study uses a nomothetic analysis. Polyes describes this as identifying general trends or patterns which can help to generalize by compiling responses from the population under review (pp.7). Considering the fact that the survey by SFU was aimed to target a large population, i.e. all undergraduate students, this method offers the researchers a bigger picture of the trends and patterns. These could be worked towards making a generalizable conclusion, especially in a study aimed to gather feedback for the purpose of improving the students’ experiences. Other important advantages of conducting a quantitative research include low costs, less time consumption, and no interviewers present during the research. Which would allow the participants to freely share personal information as it is not being disclosed to another person …show more content…
Therefore I would use a quantitatively driven design which is part of the multi-method approach to supplement the quantitative study with my qualitative fieldwork. Johnson et al describes this as a research study that fundamentally is a quantitative study with qualitative method added to further supplement the quantitative study by providing an added value and thorough insight to the answers of the research questions. I would take on the role of a complete participant ethnographic observer. Deacon et al states that observation is a suitable method to find data and fill any missing gaps produced by the quantitative research. Deacon et al describes this as putting “flesh on the bones of the quantitative methods” (pp.259). One key advantage of observation is that it produces an in-depth description that quantitative research would fail to do otherwise. in terms of gaining insight on the academic experiences and concerns of the student, this approach would be best suitable to supplement the quantitative research. I would design my study to be an in-depth interview and target a small number of students from each department at SFU to gain a better understanding of their experience at SFU. I would also step into their shoes and try to identify the problematic areas they have face and how it could be solved.

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