Integrating Rigor and Trustworthiness into Qualitative Research
1. Introduction
Qualitative data analysis include identification, examination and interpretation of collected data to evaluate how they contribute in responding to the research question. We acknowledge that “the quality of qualitative research depends on the rigor with which methods are applied by the researchers” (, 2016). Researchers are encouraged to put in place processes that allow them to ensure the quality of the data they collect and how they analyze them for their research studies. Evaluating the quality of a study is crucial especially if findings are to be used and integrated in public health. On another hand, Qualitative research involves interaction with individuals. In this process, researchers collect personal information from their audience (participant in the study). Researchers are encourage to ensure they maintain privacy and confidentiality of the information they collect. Maintaining privacy and anonymity, confidentiality, Informed consent are among the strategies to ensure ethics related issues are prevented (, 2016). In this paper we will evaluate ethical and methodological issues as they relate to the above highlighted research subject and discuss on how to mitigate them. Furthermore, we will evaluate methods that we will use to integrate rigor and Trustworthiness into my study to minimize uncertainties, inaccuracies and imprecision. 2. Evaluation of potential ethical or methodological issues identified in my research studies. Adherence to the ethical principles of respect for persons, honesty, benevolence, and human right is important in public health research. “Ethical decisions are required throughout the whole life of a research project and in all aspects of a study” (, 2016). Nevertheless, there might no one direct answer to ethical issues but decisions making should be based on referring to basic ethical principles. For our research study, we have selected the direct observation and the semi-structured interview as methods to use as we collect data for the research. We believe that these methods will provide a better understanding of the problem being investigated. The methods however are associated to a number of ethical and methodological issues that need to be investigated. Ethical issues revolve around the Opting in and out of the research, issues related to lack of privacy and confidentiality that may lead to stigma and discrimination, informed consent across culture, etc. (Muthuswamy, 2005). Actions to mitigate those issues include: - requesting approval to Research and Ethics Committee, Ministry of Health and other concerned entities before the study start, - Communicate the procedures of the study to all participant, including risks, and benefits, - Obtain written consent/assent for enrollment in the study, - Ensure research assistants are well trained in the conduct of qualitative data collection and the ethical issues in human research. …show more content…
- Ensure confidentiality of participant by providing unique identification numbers to participant, ensure that data sets contained no personal identifiers, and ensure data is in password-protected computers accessible only by authorized personnel (Nakigozi et al., 2013).
3. Explanation on how to integrate greater rigor into my study to minimize uncertainties, inaccuracies and imprecision.
Qualitative studies are frequently accused for lacking scientific rigor and poor explanation of the methods selected, lack of transparency and the results being just a collection of personal opinions on a specific subject. Demonstrating rigor when undertaking qualitative research may be challenging as there is no established consent on principles by which research should be judged (Noble and Smith, 2015). Regarding our research study, our goal will be to design and integrate methodological approaches that ensure the ‘trustworthiness’ of the results. Our approaches will include: - “Accounting for personal biases which may have influenced findings; - Ongoing critical reflection of methods to ensure sufficient depth and relevance of data collection and analysis - Meticulous record keeping, demonstrating a clear decision trail and ensuring interpretations of data are consistent and transparent; - Establishing a comparison case/seeking out similarities and differences across accounts to ensure different perspectives are represented; - Demonstrating clarity in terms of thought processes during data analysis and subsequent interpretations; - Respondent validation: includes inviting participants to comment on the interview transcript and whether the