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33 Cards in this Set

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What is acyclovir classified as?


When should you give acyclovir?

Herpes (HS1, HS2, Genital) and Chickenpox

What are some adverse reactions of acyclovir?

Confusion, agitation, acute renal failure, thrombocytopenia, Steven-Johnson's

Steven had mental probs and Johnson had trouble with eating the kidney off the plate.

How will acyclovir affect labs?

Increased BUN and creatinine; decreased WBC and platelets

High kidney, low blood

When is acyclovir contraindicated?

Renal disease, dehydration, and neurologic problems

Dry, crazy, kidney

Signs of acyclovir OD:

Agitation, coma, seizures, lethargy

After a temper tantrum, the man went into a long sleep.

Acyclovir cures herpes, T/F?

False, it improves symptoms

Long term acyclovir use causes nephrotoxicity, T/F?


What is the antidote for acyclovir?


What is amantadine given for?

Parkinson's, treat and prevent influenza A

Adverse reactions of amantadine

Dream abnormalities, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth

My low BP caused me to have blurry nightmares, and when I woke up I was dry as the desert.

How does amantadine affect labs?

Increase CK, BUN, creatinine, bilirubin, AST and ALT

Liver and kidneys

Why would amantadine be contraindicated?

Orthostatic hypotension, liver disease, kidney disease, psychosis

When I stood up too fast my kidney and liver went pyscho

Signs of amantadine OD

Arrhythmia, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, fear, delirium, hyperthermia

Swollen lung, fast, unpredictable heart, scary heat

Will amantadine cause suicidal ideation?


You should take amantadine first thing in the morning, T/F?

False, it should be taken several hours before bedtime to prevent insomnia

It is ok to drive right after taking amantadine, T/F?

False, it can cause drowsiness and blurred vision

Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine, T/F?


When is diphenhydramine given?

Rhinitis, congestion, nighttime sleep aid, nonproductive cough

You should take diphenhydramine on an empty stomach, T/F?

False, it should be taken with food or milk to prevent gi upset

Adverse effects of diphenhydramine

Agranulocytosis, seizures, headache, vertigo, tinnitus, urticaria

Chad had a grand ole headache to led to him losing his balance and spazzing on the floor which later cause a rash.

You should not take two drugs with diphenhydramine at the same time, T/F?


Lab effects of diphenhydramine

Decreased Hb and hematocrit and platelets

Low blood levels

When is diphenhydramine contraindicated?

ACG (glauc), newborns, BPH, asthma, hyperthyroidism

Swollen eye and prostate and thyroid

Diphenhydramine OD signs

GI upset, dry mouth, flushing, dilated pupils

What is oseltamivir given for?


It is ok to have the flu vaccine whilst using oseltamivir, T/F?

False, you should not have the vaccine within 2 weeks before it 48 hours after the drug.

What is ribavirin for?

Children with RSV, chronic HCV (Hep C)

Ribavirin is effective on it's own for HCV, T/F?


Adverse reactions for ribavirin

Bradycardia, cardiac arrest, apnea, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, and suicide

Having a MI, collapsed lung, and swollen lung makes you want to end it.

Patients with unstable cardiac disease should not receive ribavirin, T/F?


You should not get pregnant within 6 months of using ribavirin, T/F?

True, women and their partners should avoid getting pregnant for 6 months.

What is rimantadine for?

Flu A