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53 Cards in this Set

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Define: fraud
deceitful act with intention to conceal the truth

Define: Battery

physically touching patient without consent

Define: Nonfeasance

failure to perform official duty or legal requirement

Define: Misfeasance

legal treatment performed incorrectly

Define: plaintiff

accuser in a lawsuit

Define: Res ipsa loquitor

the thing speaks for itself or is common knowledge

Define: breach of confidentiality

giving information including patients name and reason for being seen, treatment another patient has received and discussing patient in for so that it can be overheard all fall within this definition

Define: Defamation of character
Injury to another persons reputation, name, works spoken or written words
Define: Res judicata

the thing has been decided

Define: Negligence

failure to take responsible precautions to prevent harm to a patient

Define: Abandonment

in medical office physician who withdraws form a contractual relationship with a patient without proper notification
Define: Criminal law
given permission and understand what he/she has consented to

Define: Informed consent

pertains to conduct that threatens and harm public safety and welfare and prohibited by law

Define: dereliction of duty
inability of doctors to meet standard of care

Define: patient self determination act

law requiring health care institution to ask patients if they have an advance directive

Define: bioethics

moral issues that affect human life

Define: respondeat superior

let the master answer

Define: Statute of limitations

length of time a lawsuit that can be filed 1-3 years
Is it appropriate to tell your patient about your personal viewpoints?


when is a MA not covered under the physicians medical liability insurance?

when not following their scope of practice

giving patients medications samples is appropriate only if this has occurred?

doctor has written an order to do so

is scope of practice the same in every state?


What legally required disclosures can happen without patient consent?

suspected child or intimate partner or elder abuse, knife or gunshot wound, communicable disease and death/births

does the good Samaritan law cover an MA within their duties on the job
not within the job duties, only outside the job

can a patient refuse treatment>?


who receives the reports on communicable disease?


malpractice can often be avoided by good communication between __________________ and the _______________?

office staff and patient

a law that encourages healthcare workers to render emergency care, to deal with accident victims and to protect liability in certain circumstance is known as?

good Samaritan law
What forms must be signed in order to release information form a patients char? whos signature does it require?

record release form, the patients
What piece of evidence is the most useful in a lawsuit against a healthcare provider?

patients chart

the plaintiff in a negligence lawsuit must prove what>

Dereliction of duty, direct cause and that a standard of care was not met
the best defense of the medical practice is a well documented ___________

medical record
"A physician should practice competnetn medical care with compassion while respecting human dignity" is part of what code?

AMA code of ethics

what branch of law would cover arson?

criminal law

what is the appropriate action to take when you suspect a family member of abusing a patient?

1st tell the doctor or supervisor and then follow office policy for this type of situation

malpractice is an example of what type of tort?

unintentional tort

telling someone about a patients medical care is an

invasion of privacy
not guaranteeing a cure will help avoid__________________ suits.

sentencing occurs of a defendant occurs after what type of lawsuit?


identify the 4 "D"s of negligence

duty, derelict, direct cause, damage
Becoming certified shows evidence of formal training and ____________


what are the categories of legal reporting for healthcare providers?

infectious disease, births, deaths, abuse (elder, child intimate partner)

what steps would a doctor need to take in order to terminate care of patient?

statement of intent to terminate the relationship, letter must be sent certified w/ return receipt copy of letter and returned receipt in patients chart

what element are usually included in a states medical practice act

-definition of practice of medicine

- Des of licensure procedure

- conditions for which licnese can be suspended or revoked

- licensure erenewal process-

requirements for physician qualification
should a MA report a physicians who is engaging in deceptice practices?


licensure is regulated by the


the controlled substance act is enforced by


would asking a patient about the medication they are taking be a breach of confidentiality>


malicious statements spoken about a persons character is


3 elements of contractual agreement:

1 offer-initiation

2-acceptance - both parties agree

3 - consideration - fee for service

the patients bill of rights includes the right to privacy, confidentiality and the ability to refuse treatment


confidentiality is the most important aspect of MAs daily work routine


professional recognition opportunities are a benefit to belonging to a professional association
