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26 Cards in this Set

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Interview schedule

The name of a survey research questionnaire when a telephone or face to face interview is used

Prestige Bias

A problem in a survey research question writing that occurs when a highly respected group or individual is linked to one of the answers

Double barrelled question

A problem in a survey research question wording that occurs when two ideas are combined into one question and it is unclear whether the answer is for the combination of both or one or the other question

Leading (or loaded) question

A question that leads the respondent to choose one response over another by its wording

Threatening questions

A type of survey research question in which respondents are likely to cover up or lie about their true behaviours or beliefs because they fear a loss of self image or that they may appear to be engaging in undesirable or deviant behaviour

Social desirability bias

A bias in survey research in which respondents give a "normative" response or a socially acceptable answer rather than giving a truthful answer

Mode of delivery

In survey research this refers to how the data were collected (ex. By postal survey, in person interview, telephone interview)

Contingency question

A two or more part question in survey research. The answer to the first part of the question determines which of two different questions a respondent receives next

Open ended question

A type of survey research question in which respondents are free to offer any answer they wish to the question

Closed ended question

A type of survey research question in which respondents must choose from a fixed set of answers

Partially open question

A type of survey question in which respondents are given a fixed set of answers to choose from but in addition an "other" category is offered so they can specify a different answer

Standard format question

A type of survey research question in which the answer categories fail to include "no opinion" or "don't know"

Quasi-filter question

What type of survey research question including the answer choice "no opinion" or "don't know"

Full filter question

A type of survey research question in which respondents our first asked whether they have an option or know about the topic then only the respondents with an opinion or knowledge are asked a specific question on the topic


Respondents who lack a belief or opinion but who give an answer anyway if asked in a survey research questions. Often their answers are inconsistent.

Response set

An effect in survey research when respondents tend to agree with every question in a series rather than thinking through their answer to each question

Wording effect

An effect that occurs when a specific term or word used in a survey research question affects how respondent answer the question

Order effects

An effect in survey research in which respondents hear some specific questions before others and the earlier questions affect their answers to later questions

Funnel sequence

A way to order survey research questions in a questionnaire from general to specific

Context effect

An effect in survey research when an overall tone or set of topics heard by a respondent affects how he or she interrupts the meaning of subsequent questions

Cover sheet

One or more pages at the beginning of a questionnaire with information about an interview or respondent

Matrix question

A type of survey research question in which a set of questions is listed in a compact form together all questions sharing the same set of answer categories


A follow up question or action in survey research used by an interviewer to have a respondent clarify or elaborate on an incomplete or inappropriate answer

Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI)

Survey research in which the interviewer sits in front of a computer screen and keyboard and uses the computer to read questions that are asked in a telephone interview then enters directly into the computer

Computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI)

Like computer assisted telephone interviewing but used for in person interviews


When someone who has little or no real interest in learning information from a respondent uses the survey format to try to persuade someone to do something