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21 Cards in this Set

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Explain why breathing rate is higher after or during exercise 4

1. Muscles need to contact

2. Therefore oxygen is required

3. To carry out respiration and release energy

4. In case of anaerobic respiration an extra volume of oxygen is needed - oxygen debt

5. To neutralise lactic acid

(person runs heartbeat is measured). Explain how we could improve this investigation 2

1. Repeat by using more people

2. Run at the same speed/time/distance

Suggest how ciliated cells are the goblet cells protect the lungs from infection 2

Goblet cells - mucus traps dirt and bacteria that are breathed in.

Ciliated cells beat backwards and forwards sweeping the mucus and trap particles and bacteria towards the mouth.

Why do you like structure is sometimes referred to as a tree

Bcs it’s a highly branching network

Describe how ventilation of the lungs occurs when a person breathes in 4

1. The diaphragm contracts and becomes flat

2. External intercostal muscles contract and move the ribs up and out

3. These changes cause the volume of the thorax to increase

4. In the air pressure to decrease

5. Air is forced in the lungs

Why smoking cigarettes banned 3

1. Others can become passive smokers

2. Can cause emphysima

3. Can cause CHD

Why children are particularly at risk by being passive smokers

Because they’re lungs are small and not developed

exhalation 4

1. The diaphragm relaxes and goes back to its dumb shape

2. Ribs move down and in

3. Volume in lungs decreases

4. Air pressure increases

5. Air is forced out

How are alveoli adapted for gas exchange 4

1. There are many therefore a large surface area for diffusion

2. Moist lining so gases can dissolve before diffusing

3. One cell thick there for short distance for diffusion

4. Blood capillaries that increase concentration gradient

Why does emphysema reduces the ability of a person to exercise 5

1. Decrease in surface area

2. Increase in diffusion distance

3. therefore less gas exchange

4. Less oxygen into the blood

5. Less I aerobic respiration

6. more anaerobic respiration resulting in the buildup of lactic acid

Why does breathing rate remain high after finishing exercise 2

Extra oxygen is needed called oxygen debt to get rid of lactic acid

Describe the effects of inhaling carbon monoxide 3

1. Carbon monoxide binds onto haemoglobin forming carboxyhaemoglobin

2. So less oxygen is transported

3. Less respiration

4. Less growth/death

Suggest why age may affect the likelihood of dying from Lang cancer

1. Higher H means higher chance of developing cancers

2. Immune system weekends and can't fight cancer when you get older

Affects other than like cancer that smoking has on health

1. Emphysema

2. Damage to the alveoli

What happens with Emphysema

Gas exchange is affected as alveoli lose their shape. Alveoli lose their foldings so reduction of surface area

What does nicotine do

Raise blood pressure and heart rate

What does tar do

Turns cells into cancer cells which divide uncontrollably forming a tumour

How is emphysema caused

By smoking it damages the walls of the alveoli which breakdown forming airspaces

Why cartilage has circular rings

to keep trachea open

why are rings in trachea C shaped

so they expand when food passes

how is bronchitis caused

celia are destroyed by smoking and mucus can’t be swept away blocking the airway