The McMinn Textbook 4MAT Review Summary Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling is an enlightening and captivating book by Mark McMinn. The book shows and provides interesting insight into counseling from the perspective of Christians. I consider this book to be quite stirring and thoughtful because the author provides readers with relevant knowledge combined with his own personal experiences in the field of counseling. McMinn also offers his readers the opportunity to…
“Theology is faith seeking understanding” is a definition given by St Anslem (Ormerod, N,1990, p 3 and three theological insights outlined in this passage to help us in understanding are: • The recognition that Jesus Christ was the Son of the Living God, • Peter and the apostles were chosen by Jesus and God to be the foundations of the Church and they were asked to oversee the teachings of the Church. • The Passion of Christ was a Divine Direction and sometimes God does move in mysterious ways…
West writes about it. And evangelicals are becoming sympathetic about it. You are familiar with Black Liberation Theology, and you didn’t know it. Black Liberation Theology was developed by James Cone in the 1960s during the Black Power movement as a reaction to evangelical apathy on racial injustice. In his book, Black Theology and Black Power, James Cone explains how he formed his theology: “For me, the burning theological question was, how can I reconcile Christianity and Black Power,…
point, I have to define black theology. Essay “Environmental Racism and Black Theology: James H. Cone Instructs Us on Whiteness,” by Marguerite…
Immediately to “Black Theology and Black Power”, Cone writes and publishes “A Black Theology of Liberation”. There, he reflects his deep commitment to the black struggle for justice from the perspective of Christian theology, which helps African American to recognize that the gospel of Jesus is not only consistent with their struggle for liberation but has a meaning central to the twentieth century America. “Racism is a disease that perverts human sensitivity and distorts the intellect”. He…
Science and Theology——A Battle No One Loses The dispute between theology and science lasts for ages. Theology once dominated the mainstream during the Medieval period. However, starting from the 16th century, with the rapid development of science, the authority of theology had been challenged and had declined ever since. In this reflective journal, I’ll discuss the difference and similarities of theology and science. In addition, the reason that science gained its authority will also be further…
led to the origin of body theology. Body theology is stimulated by liberation theology, process thought and feminist/womanist theology. Process thought is an evolutionary approach towards becoming. As we see that history is part of becoming, so it is also written on the body and by the body, which says that God is working on the body and aslo in and through the history of the body. Liberation theology believes that unfair realities can be changed. feminist theology reminds the Church to…
William’s article, “Womanist Theology:Black women’s voices” expresses that womanist theology is the study that uses religious conceptual - specially regarding black women- and using those experiences, of black women, as a tactic tool to empower and liberate African American women. To be a “womanist” simply means viewing a particular context through distinctive lenses and not in the image of a feminist. William references Alice Walker’s quote in her story In Search Of Our Mother’s Garden, To…
Free Will in Theology In the Christian faith, it is taught at a young age that God gave man free will in order to make one’s own decisions, however time and time again, both throughout history and the Bible, as well as other religious texts, that man abuses the power to make their own decisions and falls away from their gods in order to do what is superficially beneficial to themselves. From Eve being influenced by Lucifer and eating the apple of her own free will, to more modern examples of…
article shares an explanation of why God has called a child as a significant part of the church, and why it is the task of all members to merge real worship, and fellowship to promote the relationship between a child and God (Cully, 1983). The theology of children begins with recognizing that children belong to God by creation because God's love embraces everyone and we all begin as children (Cully, 1983). Generally speaking the authors Bunge, Rigby and Cully gave descriptions of the…