In David Hume’s an Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Hume explains the connection and distinction between impressions and ideas. Impressions are our perceptions of our senses; “hear, or see, or feel, or love, or hate, or desire, or will” (539). Ideas are our perceptions that reflect on those sensations. One big difference between ideas and impressions is that ideas can be things that do not exist, like unicorn or space aliens (539). He states in his Principle of Empiricism that for every…
In the Book of Job a great quarrel or debate between Job and his three friends, liphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite. This debate only occurs after Job’s outburst in which he cursed the day of his birth and began wondering why those who long for death continue to live. Following his cries, Job’s friends offer their though that ultimately lead Job in the wrong direction. Each friend of Job’s offers a reason to Job’s suffering. For example, Eliphaz justifies his…
Intro: There was an abundance of enlightenment thinkers, influencing the United States during the time of its developmental stages. Voltaire's belief of religious freedom and freedom of speech are a few ideas that the United States upheld today. “Common sense is not so common.” A quote said by Voltaire meaning that common sense is an opinion whereas it should be based on principle. Voltaire was the uttermost important and influential, families reasoning to migrated to the United States are…
As a little kid, Buzz lightyear was one of my heroes, a sentiment which was cemented when he became the first to introduce me to the awe-inspiring ‘infinity’. Buzz himself embodies the basic essence of infinity: adventure and a sense of uncertainty. The idea “To infinity and beyond”, was as paradoxical as the proclamation was profound, which gave my younger self a sense of wonder and awe. When I was 6 years old, my great uncle Jack played a clever joke upon me. He pulled out a piece of paper…
In order for God to actually fit the role of “that than which non greater can be conceived” Anselm must provide something other than just a simple inference from his Christian faith. His thought process derives from believing that God is the supreme being of this world without doubt because no other objection has been made limiting his image and powers. However according to Hume if we were to think of the contradictory ideas of god that would make him unconceivable (Hume, XI). So being able to…
932540099 Position Paper 1 In Hume's view, everything follows the law of nature is true. We trust that fire can give out heat because we can feel the hot temperature from it. It doesn't mean that everything we can see is true, but everything under the law of nature truly happens. Therefore, the miracles may not true, but the miracles in religion are a kind of related to our faith, spirit to the god who we believe in. It is not asking you to distrust every testimony and ignoring there…
During week 13 we started a brief outline on The Confessions of Augustine of Hippo. We had been discussing the writing in class for almost two weeks now, and started to compose and outline and understand the main topics covered in the reading. Our reading covered book twelve of The Confessions. Book twelve focuses on the explanation of Genesis, with special attention to the word Christ and also meaning of the Heavens. The Book of Genesis focuses on the stpry of creation. It’s important to note…
For this reason, Creach justifies violence as a tool for God’s purpose alone. “If Scripture declared only that God shows compassion but did not also declare that God is involved in vengeance, it would then portray God as inept in expressing compassion in concrete ways.” While it may seem as if God’s nature of vengeance is contradictory to His nature of compassion, the two qualities actually go hand in hand. “God acts destructively in order to restore or preserve the order God intends; that…
Zuqi Liu Bible 12 Mr Armstrong 12 November 2015 Reading Journal In chapter twelve and thirteen the author talked about Jesus’ death on the cross and the reality of resurrection. First of all, as far as I know all of us have sinned in the direction of God. However, God is infinitely holy and righteous. He have to punish the sinner, the Lawbreaker. If He failed to, then His law will not be law, for there isn't any legislation that is a legislation without a punishment. The punishment for breaking…
While other philosophers tried to prove God’s existence, Blaise Pascal tried to prove something different. Pascal new that no amount of reason could bring a non-believer to have faith that God existed. He also new that he couldn’t prove that God existed because other great philosophers had tried, and people still doubted God’s existence. Instead, he just wanted to prove that even if there wasn’t a god, it was still better to believe in God than to not believe in him. Pascal claimed that there…