The argument for the existence of God I find those most interesting is the Cosmological argument. The Cosmological argument starts with the idea that everything in nature has an explanatory or sensible sequence. For these sequences to exist and be so efficient it must be concluded that something must have caused them and put them into place, a thing that was not just another part of nature or sequence. To fully sum up and conclude this argument it must be put together that a powerful force or…
In “The Argument from Design,” William Paley argues in favor of the existence of God by drawing comparisons between a watch and the universe. David Hume debates the existence of God using three characters in “Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.” This essay examines “The Argument from Design” by William Paley on the existence of God. This essay defends Paley’s argument that the universe was intricately designed against Hume’s dissimilarity and imperfection objections. David Hume wrote his…
Rene Descartes was a rationalist philosopher who created a methodology in order to determine what in the world was certain and what should be rejected. His third meditation uses this methodology while being primarily concerned with proving the existence of God. This certainly is important for Descartes because if God exists, then we are able to trust our senses because God wouldn’t deceive us by distorting our perceptions. Additionally if things are as Descartes perceives them, then he must…
Descartes has written six meditations on First Philosophy, with some being more important than the other. The third meditation does seem to stand out among the rest as the most important. The goal of this meditation is to find out if there is a God and whether or not God is a deceiver. After reading the third meditation, you take a step back to realize the importance of what the meditation had uncovered. There are different types of Ideas, which might not seem so important to the whole…
God is Real Famous scientist Isaac Newton once said “In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God's existence.” It is safe to say that some people need more convincing than Isaac Newton to believe in God. There have been countless movies made to convince the existence of the existence of God. An example is Heaven is For Real; unfortunately, there was controversy as to whether it was made up in order to become wealthy. There always seems to be a reason as to why the…
The Teleological Argument The existence of God can be supported by the design argument or teleological arguments that conclude: since nature looks like it was designed, then nature was or has a designer which we call God. Not only is nature designed but things humans have created are designed also. In order to have something in existence, it must have a creator which must have designed that something. A number of arguments utilize design arguments in favor of the existence of God. Like the…
The True Decalogue by Apolinario Mabini presents his ten commandments which focuses on God and on the country. The first decalogue orders everyone to love and honor God and honor above all things. On the second decalogue, Mabini encourages us to always worship God and to always do good in accordance with our own conscience. The third one says that everyone must use their special gifts from God in order to act in accordance with what is true. The fourth decalogue states that we must always love…
Religion attempts to answer numerous questions in its own way. Some religions try to answer questions about existence, God and even evil. Why is there evil? Who created evil? Is evil even real? If God is so powerful, why is there evil? Religion scholars strive to answer these questions. However, this essay is not about all the above questions, rather it is about how various theorists question why evil exists if God is all powerful. According to Augustine, evil is the result of the free will of…
Pascal’s Wager argues that it is in the best interest to believe that God does in fact exist. Pascal’s Wager holds that if you believe in God’s existence, and follow God’s wishes, then you will inevitably go to heaven. However, if you do not believe in God’s existence you will go to hell. Pascal proposes that it is well worth it to go to church on Sunday mornings instead of sleeping in, if by simply going to church you are spared from going to hell. If you live your life believing in God, and…
Jesse Cadle Brit Lit 11-19-14 Prompt A In life there are two outlooks on the future depending on what you believe in. It’s all about fate and free will. Fate believes things happen because that’s the path God intended for you to pursue. It’s almost like God wrote down your entire life when you were born and that’s supposed to be the way it goes. It’s a path you must follow, while free will is setting your future with the present. The story of Macbeth is a tragedy. It is often played that fate…