The Greenfield Union School district is using a variety of methods to ensure adequacy and equity was attained in the development of the local control accountability plan (LCAP) for teachers, parents, and students. In reviewing the Greenfield Union School District LCAP there were clear needs and metrics analyzed that were used to set goals to support the improvement of student success and safety. During the first stages of the LCAP implementation process the goal of district personnel was to increase stakeholders understanding of their requirements in meeting the state’s eight priorities as it related to the local control accountability plan. To facilitate this process district management created a four-step plan for reaching out to and informing a wide range of stakeholders of the new laws and requirements associated with the local control accountability plan to…
The Lower Merion School District provided laptop computers to high school students as part of a one to one program. The program allowed the students to bring home a laptop computer provided by the school district. Unbeknownst to the students or their parents the laptop computers were all programed with spyware that gave the school district access to the computers’ webcam. The goal of the one to one program was to increase the connectivity between home and school for students. The access to…
there is a high number of very small school districts. The number of school districts in Illinois is unnecessary. If the small school districts consolidate, there would be benefits; such as a more flexible budget and more learning opportunities for students (both in academics and extracurriculars). Along with these benefits there would also be some losses. Duplicates would be not necessary and some believe that personal connection between students and teachers would be lost. However, some…
Challenges in Urban School Districts Brings about Difficulties for Students Attending Higher Level Education Although public education is free in America, students educated in the suburbs are taught differently than students in the inner cities. This leaves the suburbanites decently prepared for a college education for the reason that they have been taught by better qualified teachers who set higher education standards. Are there plans to solve this problem in our future? When I was young,…
This year in the Harrisburg School District two teachers are retiring: Patricia Kroger, a second-grade teacher at Journey Elementary, and Michele Mathisen, a teacher in the Title Reading Program at Freedom Elementary. Both teachers have been working in the school district for most or all of their teaching careers. Throughout their time at Harrisburg, the two teachers have seen the school grow tremendously. These women started teaching in the school district when it was one school that housed…
Criticisms of schools and districts across the nation are endless. As an educator who advocates for progressive schools and less traditional teaching strategies, having the ability to dictate details of my own utopian school district seemed like a fun, easy challenge—until I started trying to type. Running a whole school district entails a vast number of responsibilities and details to consider. This is one of the reasons I have zero interest in pursuing an administrative role. However, like the…
However, all states have a duty to contribute towards costs that school districts incur in offering education to learners. In this case, both states and districts are deemed to have a formula that guide them in funding these costs. In addition, the formulas also help in distributing funds among the districts depending on factors such as enrollment of student levels, characteristics of students and local wealth. A funding formula helps in making sure that districts have enough funds thus…
It is difficult for school Districts to prepare educational leaders during such scarce economic times. Many of the school districts in urban and rural areas are being impacted with financial crisis. For example, public schools in New Jersey and Oregon have been impacted with teacher lay-offs and are struggling to survive in the educational world with limited resources. These public schools have formed partnerships with universities, in order to cope with responsibility of educating the students…
The school district I am currently working in is North Panola School District. Within this district there are six schools. Three elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and a vocational center. This school district is based in Sardis, MS. The demographics of this school is about 93% African American. Where the majority of the students enrolled receive free lunch. This school district is in a rural area in Mississippi in a low socioeconomic environment. Most of the teachers that…
ELMIRA HEIGHTS (WENY) - The Elmira Heights School District is asking taxpayers to vote "yes" to a $12 million capital project that would apply to all of the district's schools. The project includes making upgrades to roofs, parking lots, electrical work and replacing a 15-year-old turf at Thomas Edison high school. As well as upgrading things that at this point Superintendent Mary Beth Fiore says have become safety issues.Such as security cameras and door lock systems. Another big piece of…