Introduction Western Port Bay is a coastal region located in the south of Victoria which opens up into the Bass Strait. It is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the state, being home to x amount of species of flora and fauna. Westernport Bay has a coastal climate, with high rainfall and mild temperatures when compared with the rest of Victoria. The purpose of this fieldwork investigation was to explore the social, economic and environmental impacts of climate change on Westernport…
When I was young I was a boy scout. During my time in scouts I read the book Hatchet, a story about a boy who is in a plane crash and has to survive alone in the wilderness. Being a boy scout the story grabbed my attention, a boy about my age surviving alone using the same techniques I was learning. This gave the book a personal meaning to me. The book made me want to continue as a scout, as it gave meaning to what I was doing. The book kept me in scouts and that is why Hatchet is a memorable…
To perform the study, two streams were picked from different watersheds. In Carrollton, Georgia, Buffalo Creek from the Tallapoosa in the city limits was the first river we visited. This stream was next to paved roads, apartment complexes, and was located inside a paved park; urban area. The second stream, Yellow Dirt Creek, was located off a dirt road, with little to no houses close to it; rural area. This stream was part of the Chattahoochee watershed, and is in Roopville, Georgia. It is…
Voluntary home buyouts are used by the Harris County Flood Control District to reduce flood damages in areas hopelessly deep in the floodplain where structural flood damage reduction projects, like channel modifications or detention basins, are not cost effective and/or beneficial. Generally, these are homes that should have never been built. More than 60 percent of the county was developed before floodplain regulations were implemented in the 1980s. The Flood Control District’s Voluntary Home…
Sunday, the 22nd of May, I went on my first grunion run or maybe it is that I watched the grunion “run” for the first time. California grunion are small sardine-like fish from the silversides family. They are found near the shores of Baja California, Mexico and as far north as Santa Barbara. Contrary to popular opinion they do not migrate. At full moon and high tide between March and August, the grunion leave the water to spawn on shore. The female buries half of her body, tail first, and…
According to, during the Johnstown flood of May, 1881, more than 2,209 people tragically died. A harmful sequence of events led to this disaster, these include; a torrential rainfall leading to a neglected dam collapsing which caused a flood. The Johnstown Flood was very catastrophic because of the rainfall, neglected dam, and flood that took many lives. The heavy rainfall of late May, 1881, poured down into little lake Conemaugh. The lake was overflowing with water, flowing…
From beyond the screen of bushes which surrounded the spring, Popeye watched the man drinking. A faint path led from the road to the spring. Popeye watched the man, a tall, thin man, hatless, in worn gray flannel trousers and carrying a tweed coat over his arm-- emerge from the path and kneel to drink from the spring. The spring welled up at the root of a beech tree and flowed away upon a bottom of whorled and waved sand. It was surrounded by a thick growth of cane and brier, of cypress…
to water quality and wildlife habitat. A riparian zone refers to stream bank system, including the stream, soils, flora, and fauna within it. Riparian buffers, specifically, are one of the most significant structures to implement along streams and rivers because of the structure’s many functions and abilities. Riparian buffer zones act as a canopy to shade and cool stream temperatures, as a filter strip to attenuate sediment, pollutant, and nutrient runoff, and as a wildlife habitat, all wrapped…
water and culture have been incredibly interlinked. Since the beginning of settled life, humans have almost always recognized that settling by a body of clean usable water is necessary. Over time this need began to give birth to a deep respect for rivers, lakes and streams. Because water is such a critical element of life it was worshipped and appreciated for thousands of years by almost all cultures of the past. It has been a source of power and inspiration for thousands of years. The influence…
Wide-spread recognition of escalating hydrological alterations of rivers has increased as a result of existing and projected future increases in water demands. The importance of a river’s flow regime for sustaining biodiversity and ecological integrity has been well studied over the last past 4 decades. This paper synthesizes the flow assessment methodologies to understand ecological responses to flow alteration and begins with a compilation of all historical methods to assess environmental…