Hatchet Book Reflection

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When I was young I was a boy scout. During my time in scouts I read the book Hatchet, a story about a boy who is in a plane crash and has to survive alone in the wilderness. Being a boy scout the story grabbed my attention, a boy about my age surviving alone using the same techniques I was learning. This gave the book a personal meaning to me. The book made me want to continue as a scout, as it gave meaning to what I was doing. The book kept me in scouts and that is why Hatchet is a memorable piece of literature to me. I related to the story in Hatchet, as it focused on the skills I was learning as a scout. Using concepts, I would have otherwise thought of as silly such as learning to build a shelter, or a fire without matches. Being in boy scouts wasn’t something that was cool at the time I read the book. I likely would have quit boy scouts had it not been for Hatchet. Instead I stayed and went on to earn the rank of eagle scout, the highest rank in boy scouts. …show more content…
At this time in your life, you start to care more about what your peers think of you. What they think is cool begins to reflect on you. The concepts I was learning in scouts already felt useless, when it began to seem uncool and a few of my friends quit, I considered doing the same. Upon reading the book my mind was changed instantly. I saw that, however unlikely these skills may one day save my life, or the lives of others. Therefore, I stayed in scouts and learned what I could, so one day when things went wrong I would know what to

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