As we know endocrine and nervous system work together. The way they work together is through communications. This systems consists on glands which secrets special hormones and these hormone goes around in the body as messenger. The organs who carry these type of hormones in the body are blood stream, organs and body tissues. The way they are connected is via brain which connect with two communication systems and the hypothalamus is tiny collection of Nellie which controls behaviour placed at the…
The release of hormones throughout the human body impacts society daily. By definition, hormones are chemicals that are released by glands which circulate in the bloodstream and act as messengers affecting particular cells and organs. With this, hormones affect human behavior. According to, the endocrine system is made up of glands that produce and secrete hormones, chemical substances produced in the body that regulate the activity of cells or organs. This system enables…
Toxic substances come in all shapes and forms. Often they have varying visible outward effects, but often enough the damage and problems lie under the surface. The Endocrine System is the chemical communication system between cells. Special glands secrete chemicals which travel throughout our body and bind to complimentary receptors (Barnes, 2014). These chemicals, or hormones, are responsible for regulating growth, behavior and many more aspects of our bodies and behavior. In recent times…
hyperplasia is the overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth. In a healthy person, cortisol is used to decrease the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone. ACTH is used by the pituitary gland which stimulates the adrenal gland. However, people with CAH have a genetic limitation where they are unable to produce correct amounts of cortisol. Without cortisol to exert a negative feedback on ACTH, it continues to be secreted causing the adrenal gland to secrete larger amounts of hormones.…
1.) According to, an endocrine tumor is a mass that begins in the parts of the body that produce and release hormones. The neoplastic cells secrete the hormone normally produces by the cells of the gland, but they are not responding to negative feedback which controls mechanisms so hormones re secreted in an inappropriate and excessive manner. Because an endocrine tumor develops from cells that produce hormones, the tumor itself can produce hormones and cause serious illness. 2.)…
hypothalamus and the pituitary gland are known…
Dermatology Clinic: Questions and Answers Case 1 1. What is your diagnosis? This patient exhibits signs and symptoms of iatrogenic Cushing syndrome with steroid acne due to corticosteroid withdrawal. 2. What factors may have contributed to the disease? The chronic treatment with high doses of prednisone contributed to the patient’s Cushing syndrome. However, steroid withdrawal may have caused her recent skin flare around her trunk and extremities. 3. What is the treatment of choice for this…
known as adrenalin in the form of epinephrine from the postganglionic axons into the blood stream. The epinephrine is distributed into the circulatory system where it is distributed throughout the body. The epinephrine will travel to different places of the body and have different responses where ever it goes. Also epinephrine does not go into the cells of the body it only binds to the surface of cells by attaching to protein of cells. When it reaches the liver it binds to proteins and then…
Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that is most prevalent in infants and adults, although some adolescents were reported to have this condition also. This disorder is a primary diagnosis, including symptoms such as skin flakes, patches of greasy skin, itching, and redness in areas of the scalp, hair, eyebrows, beard, or mustache. More than 3 million cases of seborrheic dermatitis are reported each year, according to the Mayo Clinic and other sources. Fortunately, there is a wide…
“I’m so stressed” is a widely used phrase, said by many students and professionals alike who have a lot to manage in their busy lives. However, many people do not realize the mental and physical implications of stress. In Chapter 13 of Invitation to Psychology, 5th Ed., by Carol Wade and Carol Tavris, the physiology and psychology of stress is examined, along with various ways to cope with stress in our everyday lives. By understanding the body’s physiological responses of stress, we gain a…