billions of dollars on space exploration every year. New observations and information are vital to our society to understand life and possibility of life on other planets. Science is the true foundation for technology and the development of our economy. Most of the time, we rely on facts and knowledge, but sometimes, we must search outside the skyline and develop our understanding about the world surrounding us. Yes, we need to take risks and continue to move forward. Without space exploration,…
NASA and many others believe that space exploration could help change our country and our world. There's many ways that space exploration could benefit us. It could help us improve safety and help us find out more about our earth and its resources, exploring space would give us many benefits. The United states and NASA should put more into space exploration. Something that we need to protect ourselves from the threat of getting hit by an asteroid. If we don’t want what happened to the dinosaurs…
Space is sometimes considered the “Final Frontier”, and currently it is a topic of major discussion. During the last year, there have been many breakthroughs in space research. Theories about space travel technologies such as the EmDrive, theories about the formation of our galaxy, debate over the workings of wormholes and dark matter, the discovery of new galaxies, and even new plans to travel to Mars have all come to light in the past year (Space “Test of 'Impossible' EmDrive Space Engine…
private persons and companies or governmental institutions? Although the modern day space initiative is being mostly spearheaded by private persons and industries, in my opinion, government funded space programs should be leading the initiative. This would help reduce problems related to safety, violation of space laws, and offer hope to the American people not seen since the end of world war II and the Cold War era space race. . Above all in this paragraph I would like to bring to light the…
The Space Debate Whether or not America should be funding space exploration, namely the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), does not really get debated much. However, when this subject is brought into question people tend to take a strict stance on one side or the other. It is easy to dismiss the entire objective of putting man in space as a waste of time and resources, but that could not be further from the truth. Space exploration stimulates technological innovation and…
Project 3: Grounding the Space Industry The space industry, the mysterious agency where billions of dollars are funding it, however the most useful thing to come out of it is a picture of another galaxy. Therefore, it is not encouraging when taxpayer’s money goes into a program that has little intrinsic value when the money and resources could be going to governmental departments that give back to the people. Therefore, if the space industry stopped receiving funding for frivolous matters such…
The Vitality of Privatized Space Endeavors More often than is recognized, the human world relies on science. Humans, unlike any other species on Earth have mastered the practice of using science to shape the natural world in their image, and mold it to their benefit. This practice has served humans well on this planet, but one can’t help but wonder what future opportunities may lie beyond Earthly borders. If humankind could implement the same kinds of successful appropriation, extraction, and…
the Earth not safe to be on. In the novel, humans are known as the “Colony”. This exposure of radiation to the Earth was called the Cataclysm, which killed millions of people and left many infected. The survivors were then shipped out to space and put into space cities (ships). The government knew that they had to do something, and it had…
Space is so amazing. There are so many unexplored areas and places humans can barely comprehend. There are suns that rotate around other suns and gases that make beautiful nebulas. There are also many planets, comets, meteors, and other undiscovered objects floating throughout it. An article called “A Success in Space” by Cameron Keady tells its readers about the marvelous mission of Philae Lander and its mothership Rosetta. Another article by the same author called “America’s New Spacecraft”…
not even know. NASA launched hundreds of satellites which have taken pictures even billions of miles away from Earth. NASA has made many air and spacecrafts that even our military uses. NASA has been working to improve the health of astronauts in space who are not protected from ultraviolet rays from the sun. This will affect every single person who steps foot on the red planet. Because of what NASA has…