fly under me. I was elated, my soul at its summit, I was running and I felt free. I moved my legs as fast as they could possibly take me, heading towards the finish line. "Amal Weck has stupendously achieved the new school record of sprinting 300 meters in 34.8 seconds!" Exclaimed the ecstatic sports teacher. The ebullient/exuberant crowd boisterously roared with great anticipation/ excitement, like an enormous pride of exultant lions roaring. Thousands of arms wrapped affectionately around me causing a stream of adrenaline to rush through my body like I was transforming into a new being. I quickly glimpsed into the sky where a huge flock of vibrant rainbow lorikeets soared to the blossomed Eucalyptus tree, reuniting the small bird. The once muddy and brown bird had transfigured into a bright flamboyant rainbow lorikeet with bright blue eyes covering her agonizing eye scars. The vibrant bird was now out of her miserable cage and let free.…
Common Ostrich 1. Each member of the ostrich flock will be seen as an individual, this is because the ostrich flock is megafauna and thus will not contain too many members. I will use leg bands to ID the ostriches. Leg bands are easy to apply, easy to see, the public does not tend to mind them, and it will last a long term, but can be changed or removed if needed. 2. Daily, the enclosure will be cleaned by removing all fecal matter and old food. All bowls will be replaced with fresh bowls and…
I chose to observe the black vultures or Coragyps atratus (The Cornell lab of Ornithology, 2015). There is a small flock of three black vultures that are common in my neighborhood. All three black vultures appear to be roughly 2 feet tall, and an estimated 5 pounds. I was lucky enough to observe one of the black vultures expand their wings, and this vulture’s wingspan was roughly 4 feet wide. I based my estimates on the surroundings of the vultures including a fence and vehicle. Black vultures…
[42] an international organization. The group gives assistance to worthwhile projects as well as producing a magazine[43] and raising funds through donations and memberships, often from pet parrot owners. They state they have helped conservation work in 22 countries. On a smaller scale local parrot clubs will raise money to donate to a cause of conservation. Zoo and wildlife centers usually provide public education, to change habits that cause damage to wild populations. Recent conservation…