Hillary Clinton have affirmed their decision on legalization of medical use. Ben Carson is a retired pediatric neurosurgeon who has been enmeshed in the medical field for half of his life. He concludes “Medical marijuana, when it’s done in the proper way and the proper form can be very beneficial.” This is coming from a more than qualified doctor who has facilitated this drug to patients. Bernie has been a very expansive supporter of legalization. He co-supported the States’ Right to Medical…
Within the past three decades the world of sports has developed into multi-billion dollar business, with franchises and individual athlete’s signing sponsorship deals and TV rights contracts worth millions. This has put immense pressure onto the shoulders of athlete’s, sports clubs and national sporting federations to succeed, win major titles and gold medals. This increase in pressure has caused coaches, and athlete’s to make the decision to take performance enhancing drugs to attempt to…
marijuana industry in this country is a sensitive subject for many. There are opposing sides, many that feel that legalizing it would be best for the country, while others feels as if it will hurt our country forever. Currently, there are two types of legalization in our country. The first being under the title medical marijuana where there are currently 20 states. Those states are Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland,…
Active Euthanasia, Legal Murder Recently, the question on whether the state of California should legalize euthanasia, intentionally ending a life to prevent pain and suffering, arises. On October 5, 2015, governor Jerry Brown of California put an end to that question by signing into law the End of Life Option Act. The law allows “terminally ill people to be prescribed the drugs that will end their life” (All things considered). It is written: “provide that nothing in its provisions is to be…
the globe. Opponents argue that using euthanasia to end one’s life is morally erroneous and believe it violates the principles of medicine; proponents believe euthanasia is a considerate way to end the suffering of terminally ill people. With the legalization of euthanasia, many benefits could be added to this country. Bountiful amounts of people with incurable diseases will not have to live in the horrible pain that comes with their disease, current laws will not target these innocent people,…
Prostitution is a prevalent form of labor throughout the world, legal or not. Debate exists regarding the legalization of sex work of adults, and whether those who participate in and facilitate prostitution should be allowed to do so without legal punishment. In order to properly analyze the issue, prostitution must be clearly defined, and although some may define it differently, prostitution is the act of “attending to the sexual desires of a particular individual (or individuals) with bodily…
When first asked in 1969, 12% of the United States population agreed to the legalization of marihuana ever since then, the support for marihuana has grown rapidly. A 2013 Gallup poll showed that 58% of Americans are now in support of legalization of marihuana. Since the discovery of marihuana, no one has ever been recorded dead because of overdose or recreational consumption of marihuana. I believe legalizing marihuana in United States will impact positively on each sector of the nation…
Economy The first area, which needs to be discussed, is how the legalization of marihuana will affect the economy in Canada. The economy in Canada currently is in a substantial deficit. In fact, this deficit is approximately 1.3 billion dollars. (Flister, L. 2012). The legalization of marihuana would pull Canada out of a deficit, and lead to a surplus in a very short amount of time. It is estimated, “The consumption of marijuana in Canada is approximately 160,000 kilograms per annum, meaning…
“federal U.S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain substances is regulated.” This allows new regulations and precautions to be taken for both safety regulations against drugs, and the legalization of certain drugs for certain uses. Unlike prohibition, this act allows government to have interference with the regulations of drugs and does not set a certain unchangeable boundary for drug use. The point of prohibition is not to get rid of…
Marijuana has been quickly gaining favor in the United States, and many citizens are pushing for its legalization for recreational use. States like Colorado, Washington, Alaska, and The District of Colombia have already legalized it and it is time for North Carolina to do the same. Though the War on Drugs has been in effect for the past 40 years, it is time for Marijuana to no longer be considered an illegal substance. Never the less, it should still be a controlled substance subject to…